Songs in the Keys of Florida

September 2, 2019

Audio Recording

With Hurricane Dorian moving on from its battering of the Bahamas to menace America's Eastern Seaboard, we thought we'd present a reprise of our 2017 SteynOnline audio celebration of some of the best Florida songs - a very small consolation for our many Sunshine State listeners and readers camped out in motels because of mandatory evacuation orders. This show more or less follows the path of Hurricane Irma two years ago up through the state from the Florida Keys north to the panhandle and the banks of the Suwanee on the Georgia border. Along the way we'll hear songs about Key West, Fort Lauderdale, St Petersburg, Tampa, Apalachicola, Tallahassee and elsewhere performed by Ray Charles, Bing Crosby, Elvis Presley, Fats Waller, the Andrews Sisters, the Beach Boys, the Village People and many more. And we'll reprise a special live performance from The Mark Steyn Show of the "Miami Beach Rhumba" - plus, from the Steyn archives, legendary lyricist Irving Caesar takes us back to 1918 and tells Mark how he wrote "Swanee" with George Gershwin.

Click above to listen - and, especially if you're on the Atlantic coast and still have an Internet connection, we hope you enjoy it.

On the Town is made possible through the support of members of The Mark Steyn Club, for which we are profoundly grateful. For more on The Mark Steyn Club, see here - and, if you prefer your music in visual form, please join us for a live-performance video edition of Steyn's Song of the Week later this month.