Steyn Live! Where We're Headed

Here's another episode of The Mark Steyn Show that CRTV declined to broadcast, shortly before firing him. This edition is rather special, and we hope you enjoy it: Mark live on stage at an event for donors and supporters of one of his favorite American institutions, Hillsdale College.

In the course of the evening, he gives his thoughts on where the US and the world are headed, and takes questions from the audience. Everything from demography to transgender bathrooms is in here, so please click to watch:

There'll be more from The Mark Steyn Show this weekend at SteynOnline - and on Monday Mark will be back on the radio.

~The background to Mark's firing and the termination of his show continues to attract comment from viewers and non-viewers alike. For his part Mark is very thankful for all your emails, especially given CRTV's determination to ruin him financially. There are more comments over at our Facebook page, and many CRTV customers have passed along their thoughts to the company. In order to get a refund, CRTV Customer Service department demands to know the reason you're canceling the subscription. Here's what Phil McInnis of Manlius, New York told them:

Finally something intelligent, interesting, entertaining, and thoughtful to watch, and then what happens? The Mark Steyn Show is cancelled. After just over a month on the air. And it was the sole reason I subscribed. Who made this terrible decision? I want my money back. Cancel my subscription.

Phil McInnis

As always, we end with a selection of your emails:


I woke up today hoping that yesterday was only a dream. It wasn't. I'm sure more details will come out over time, but I am completely baffled as to why a seemingly sane company would cut open (let alone cut loose) this gold-egg goose.

Please make sure that my fellow fans know they can cancel their CRTV subscription and get a full refund just by asking for it. Or I should say that they're promising a full refund (I have an e-mail confirming that, but I have yet to see the funds). Maybe I shouldn't put much stock in promises from a company that fails to honor their contracts, though if I can't have cash, I'd much rather have receivables than nothing at all.

I know that it's been said many times, many ways, START A NEW SHOW! You have a loyal fan base - if you film it, they will pay. Happy Hunting,

Nathan in Snoqualmie


I was so disappointed to see that CRTV has cancelled your contract. I have cancelled both my subscription and my mother's because we only joined to see you!

As a stay at home mom living in the aftermath of eight years of Obama's economic policy, my entertainment dollars are few and not spent without a great deal of thought. I've now got a refund coming my way, and I'd love to send it to you if you'll start your own channel! I think you've got quite a loyal following who are pretty tired of waiting for one of our beloved talk show hosts to go on vacation in order to hear your thoughts!!

Betty Ann Waggoner
( a fan in Mississippi)


Dear Mark,

I'm writing to you to let you know that I've canceled my subscription to CRTV, and was sorry to do it.

Clive James may have been right about your tendency to pause frequently throughout sentences in search of the perfect word, but even with that tic, you were the wizard of ah's, and could still say more in a twenty minute video than most people could, even were they using three times as many words.

David Freiberg


Hi Mark,

I was perplexed when your show disappeared from the CRTV lineup, as I'd bought a year's subscription to the network in December on sole account of you being there. I was gutted when the customer service rep told me your contract had been cancelled, then not just a little perturbed.

At least they gave me a refund -- though she didn't sound too thrilled with her job, almost as if she'd been doling refunds out all day, like a school lunch lady slopping spoonfuls of surprise casserole to none too thrilled boys and girls.

Find a place where we can pay to hear/watch Mark Steyn on a regular schedule again and soon!

Košice, Slovakia



I too only subscribed to CRTV for your show.

I cancelled immediately upon reading of its removal and requested a refund. They have agreed to refund the entire subscription – perhaps others may want to do the same?

Cheers from an Aussie fan.

David Hayes



So... I haul a chair out onto the porch on a beautiful afternoon, pour a big glass of wine, and sit down in gleeful anticipation of the enjoyment I'm about to get from the latest episode of your show. The CRTV site sure didn't help me in determining where your content was... I went to your site and learned the bad news.

I want to echo all who are saying you were the reason we signed up. Yes, it seemed like a rocky start... an analogy that comes to mind is Dennis Miller's former radio show. Yet as others have made clear, too, it was the musical content that set your brief endeavor apart. Please find a venue for your format. How about a weekly, even on "regular" TV? HBO, for instance, could use some balance against John Oliver and Bill Maher...

Greg in Dallas



You are unique and I am frustrated with the cancellation of your show. It was the best show on CRTV and the biggest reason I subscribed.

I love the cultural commentary and the humor. You were able to take your time and make a very interesting, thoughtful show. It was sort of like a Conservative version of NPR, except it was very funny and it was paid for by volunteer enthusiasts. No was nearly perfect.

Please let me know when you find another venue. If you do the same show elsewhere, I will cancel my CRTV subscription.

John in Arkansas


Hi Mark

Like the letters at steynonline from other disappointed CRTV subscribers, I was gutted to hear I will no longer see you there. As a very recent subscriber (to get more Steyn perspective), it was a bit of a slap.

I am, however, heartened to see your youtube channel add content which I share constantly and I know many who now follow that I also encourage to send some support your way.

I thoroughly enjoyed all the different aspects of your show, hopefully an opportunity to continue that project will find a way.

Troy Kadikoff


After listening and watching the Arnn interview, if Fox does not snap you up, they are stupid. You are wonderful.

Mary Lou


Another person who cancelled. I waited a day longer to avoid an elevator music wait for an operator. They accepted my cancellation and promised to refund my fee. This could be a class action lawsuit if they don't give every disgruntled Steyn subscriber their money back.

How can you sell a one year subscription to a show and then offer as an excuse that the Steyn contract expired after three months and was not renewed? Malkin hasn't posted since early December. Something very fishy here. Looking forward to seeing more SteynPosts at least. The set is there. Just refill the coffee cup with Tim Hortons and voila!

T E Ryan


Hey Mark

I too am very dismayed about your show leaving CRTV. What the hell are they thinking?

As a professional actor/storyteller and a conservative, I found your show to be a treasure. Loved the art and film talk, the long and interesting interviews, your political insights of course, and the great music–– including when you yourself performed.

Also loved the studio set and the view of the Valley out your window. I sure hope that somehow they will get smart and bring you back. Meantime, hang in there.

Chris Leebrick
West Linn, Oregon