The Old World and the New Colonialism

Following the riots in England's (Labour-voting) cities last week, several commenters on UK social media linked to this old SteynPost of mine by way of explaining what's going on. So I thought we'd re-post it here: it's five years old, but it's still completely timely and relevant - because the numbers cited herein are the starkest indicator of the world you and your children will be living in, and sooner than you think.

The old line, much retailed at the now extinct, is that, if you import the Third World on the scale western nations are doing, you become the Third World. Because the numbers are simply too great for you to assimilate them they assimilate you. Hence the weird and creepy press conferences this week of His Majesty's constabulary earnestly intoning "Assalamu alaykum" while flanked by a phalanx of bigshot imams: as Tommy Robinson drolly observed, they look like hostage videos.

Nevertheless, there are variants of Third World in the offing: I have said on several occasions that, absent severe course correction, the United States' most likely future is as a giant blood-soaked Latin-American favela. Europe, by contrast, is facing something far more overwhelming, convulsive and instant. If, say, the United Kingdom cannot address honestly the consequences of "migration" on the present numbers, what is the likelihood of a corrupt political class being willing to do so when they increase tenfold?

So, in this SteynPost, I consider forlorn attempts by respectable chaps to discuss the demographic transformation of Europe without getting damned as racist white supremacists, etc, and the crude arithmetic of the latest UN population statistics. The latter cannot be wished away: they are the future your rulers have signed you up for while you were deluded by "politics" into thinking that Sunak vs Starmer or Brown vs Cameron is the vital question.

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It was the poetry! :)

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I'll be back later today with this weekend's edition of Mark Steyn on the Town.