Steyn on the Sidewalk


In London last week for my suit against the UK media censor Ofcom over our coverage of the Covid vaccines, I did wind up making a brief statement outside the Royal Courts of Justice. But, to be honest, having flown in a day after leaving hospital, I was pretty under par, and was happy to let my comrade in arms, Naomi Wolf, handle the full-strength pavement performance. I haven't had the stamina for stage and screen (or even, really, audio) for almost a year now, and it kind of shows. However, those interested can hear what I had to say by clicking above.

~As Kathy Gyngell notes at The Conservative Woman, the deaths and injuries continue - even as this sham UK election staggers into its final days. It is not so much that Farage the man was excluded from last night's "debate" as that all of the issues he might have injected were also missing - vaccines, lockdowns, war without end, "migration" without end. It's almost as if Tories, Labour, LibDems, the various shades of Celts and of course the media agreed in advance of the campaign launch not to mention anything that matters.

~Likewise in America, the far longer and even more corrupted election process is moving into a new phase. Per Fox News, Biden has taken the lead over Trump for the first time since last October - and has hit fifty per cent in the polls! The inability-to-get-into-a-motor-car stuff really seems to be working for him.

~If you want the full Naomi (plus a little bit of me at the end), here she is courtesy of Hearts of Oak:

~On our Clubland Q&A, I mentioned Naomi's creepy stalker-boy Matthew Sweet, who showed up outside the courthouse in the Strand and then claimed merely to be sauntering by en route to the BBC. Which started me singing a nineteenth-century music-hall classic:

I'm Burlington Bertie
I rise at ten thirty
Then saunter along like a toff
I walk down the Strand
With my gloves on my hand
Then I walk down again with them off...

You can see Julie Andrews do it here, as our old pal Daniel Massey looks on admiringly.

~Thank you for all your kind and consoling comments about the death of my inspirational cat Marvin. It has meant a lot to me at this wretched time. Troubles supposedly come in threes, and, in this last fortnight, I've had (mild) heart attacks, a court date, and now the loss of a beloved family member. But, as I said on our Clubland Q&A, if the Grim Reaper insists on hanging round my door, as evidently he does, I would far rather he had taken me and spared poor Marvin.

We shall have a little bit more of Marvin over the weekend, along with the latest edition of my music show, which airs each Saturday at 5pm British Summer Time - which is 6pm in western and central Europe, and 12 noon North American Eastern Time. You can listen from almost anywhere on the planet by clicking the button at top right here.

~We are delighted to welcome new members of The Mark Steyn Club, and we thank also those old members who've signed up a chum for a SteynOnline Gift Certificate or a Steyn Club Gift Membership. Steyn Clubbers span the globe, from London, Ontario to London, England to London, Kiribati. We hope to embrace many more new members in the years ahead.