The Damage They've Done

Programming note: Mark will be on the radio immediately after today's Steyn Show with the Thursday replay of his Serenade Radio Song of the Week. That's at 9pm British Summer Time/4pm North American Eastern. You can listen from anywhere on the planet right here.

~Welcome to the Thursday edition of The Mark Steyn Show. Today's episode starts with Mark rounding up a few examples of the strange ongoing anomalies in basic statistical records from around the world. Next up is our Stats Man Jamie Jenkins with a look at what appears to be an industrial-scale effort by the UK establishment to render the official Covid inquiry an expensive fraud.

Also on tonight's show: We welcome back two vaccine victims, Alex Mitchell and John Watt, to talk about how they feel about being demonised by the BBC's "Disinformation Correspondent" as fake props of a "conspiracy theory".

All that plus Mark's Mailbox. To watch the show, simply click above.

~Many viewers have asked how they can support Mark's lawsuit in the English High Court against the partial and totalitarian UK media censor Ofcom. There are several ways, including:

a) signing up a friend for a Steyn Club Gift Membership;

b) buying a loved one a SteynOnline gift certificate; or

c) ordering a copy of Mark's new book The Prisoner of Windsor.

As we have noted, the post-Steyn GB News will not be standing with Steyn and Naomi Wolf in court. But the "chilling effect" of Ofcom on public discourse is far worse than Canada under Section 13 or Australia under Section 18C, so battle must be joined - even though neither Naomi nor Mark is in great shape. Indeed, Naomi has been having a worse time of it than Mark had even in the totally execrable University of Vermont Medical Center. He is very grateful to his excellent doctors at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal for doing everything the Vermont crapsters failed to do and getting his haemoglobin up to sufficient levels to give him a sporting chance of surviving the flight to Trieste for the Mark Steyn Cruise. Assuming the final leg of the journey goes okay, he looks forward to seeing everyone on the ship tomorrow.

~Among the benefits of Mark Steyn Club membership is that you can enjoy The Mark Steyn Show in any medium you desire: video, audio or text. So, if you find Mark and his guests more convivial in non-visual form, please log-in to our Audio and Transcript versions. To listen to the above show, simply click here.

~And finally, as noted above, The Prisoner of Windsor is out and available. For the Kindle edition around the world, please click below:

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