Welcome to the mid-November issue of Laura's Links. I was utterly aghast earlier this week when it started snowing here in the Deranged Dominion and it's happening again as I prepare to file this column! YUCK! I could really use some a little global warming right about now, but I guess I can't get a cut of that warming action on account of it morphing into 'climate change' and stuff. If I prayed to Saint Pippy, Emaculate Braided Patron Saint of How Dare You, like they do in San Francisco do you think it would help? Don't answer that.
Let's not fuss too much about the weather though, and focus on the good things like catching up on all things Mark Steyn because His Eminence, The Most Totally and Seriously Unwoke Bloke in Bespoke was very busy again this past week, as usual! He gave us the story of You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet, with Randy Bachman himself illuminating us all on how the song came to be! So great! He also walked us through some more sombre moments like the tenth anniversary of the Fort Hood jihad attack, and the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with a special emphasis on President Reagan.
The events that Mark wrote about, like Remembrance Day and of course, Kristallnacht commemorations coupled with the greyness of the weather makes November a dreary month. I'm sure it's not just me feeling that way. So as the days get shorter, colder and darker faster, try each day to bring a little bit of light into your day and to those of others with positive actions, kind words and goodness. I've compiled the usual crazy stuff for you, but also some wonderful stories about various magnificent humans as well so I hope you'll stick with me till the end.
Now, off we go!
North America:
"Welcome to the Hotel California", such an awful place, and such a clever essay.
California continues its descent into Third World sh&thole status. The Democrats who run the joint continue to preen about their virtues and bay like wild animals at the impeachment moon while actual humans with disabilities suffer. And that's the main thing, right? Feeling good not ever doing good.
Imagine what a terrible, disgusting person you have to be to protest when your First Lady comes to support sick babies.
You say this like it's a bad thing, Los Angeles Times.
I had never heard of this-home equity theft in America. This is really disgusting stuff.
And some more disgusting stuff: "sanctuary city" means "sanctuary for evil". Societies that have sacrificed their babies have ended up in the dustbin of history. America, you're breaking my heart.
This is a very good essay from a very fine writer: "We Don't Mind Corrupt Politicians If They're One Of Us".
Donald Trump, is that you? This is basically how Mark Steyn has described what Trump does to the leftist brain, lives in it rent-free, via his Tweets.
The Formerly Great Britain:
Honestly, my friends, I think Great Britain is beyond repair. Every time I think I see the most disgusting example of Britain's degeneration, they up the ante on me.
Young Brit dupes Corbyn into signing confession of support for terrorism. Not sure how much "duping" would actually be required for such an admission as Corbyn's terrorist fetish and Jew-hatred has been the most honest and transparent thing about him.
Apparently, the Labour party has moved at a "rapid and at times ruthless" pace to rid itself of anti-Semites. And if you believe that, I have an awesome bridge in NYC to sell you! Prime real estate! Call me!
Why on earth would anyone think Corbyn's Labour is a safe haven for Jew-hating sloth?
Swedish state agency uses money of dead citizens to fund drag shows.
Israel and Jews:
"Why does Israel have so many startups?" Duh. So many Jews.
You know when there will be peace? There will be peace when Palestinians decide to spend money on doing good and being civilized instead of slaughtering Jews. And why should us civilized peoples be funding our own murders anyway through this disgusting jizyah known as "aid"?
A little snippet of Jewish life in Europe. Bullying and threatening an octogenarian Holocaust survivor. Really butch. Everything old is new again.
Meet the Rabbi who led Yom Kippur services in Saddam Hussein's palace.
Endless Jihad:
Why is the Ft. Hood jihadist still alive today?
Iran hostage: people don't really want to know what I went through.
Is there nothing that these people won't adopt for the purpose of barbarism?
Rape jihad: more "British" men in court facing child grooming charges. World snores.
Iran and the UN, a match made in hell. These two truly deserve each other.
Nothing to see here.
Common Sense:
"Please remind me about how masculinity is a social construct!" I watched this at least 10 times.
Kook Left, Wokestapo and Trans:
So the idiots in Holland feel that you must identify your gender in order to cross a road. OK I'm exaggerating, but only ever so slightly. Holland so woke!
A look at the transgender politics injected into affluent Virginia schools.
Professor Glenn Reynolds (the Great Instapundit) on social media mobs and the last hope for Free Speech.
The courageous and articulate feminist writer Meaghan Murphy on "Trans rights, voter wrongs". Really good-read the whole thing.
Fawn, fawn, adulation x eleventy million gazillion in a totally harmless, respectful and completely not adolescent level Jewish mother crush on alpha gay male for this piece from the great Douglas Murry and the death of civilized debate.
And another Douglas Murray masterpiece: "Drag kids are the product of a dangerous American delusion." This is a very brave piece. Read the entire essay.
Columbia professor who fled communism says universities are becoming communist (with added bonus trans/Shakespeare angle).
Creepy human! How can we miss you if you still Tweet about kids and nekkid swimming?
"You're out of your mind." Joe Rogan on letting biological men fight against women.
Delingpole and Climategate: "My Finest Hour".
Kooks at The Lancet cheerily discuss play that talks about how children are bad for the planet.
And oh look, crazy leftists trying to wreck another holiday with their stupid ginger eunuchs. This is becoming like Ramadan, happening earlier every year. I think last year they were supposed to be "trans" so I called them Transgingers. Mark has a great line about how we in the West will be talking about transgendered bathrooms when the mullahs nuke us. We can add Transgingers to that list as well. This is so decadent it's pathetic. Gingerbread genitalia (gingertalia?) is pretty low down on my list of societal priorities but I guess I'm a freak or something.
Human Grace:
This is probably one of my favourite Tweets ever: "I just want everyone to know that my son wanted to be pants for Halloween". Read the comments and check out all the cute photos of the other similarly wonderful costumes, it's all glorious. I love this story for so many reasons. I love how the parents just rolled with the pants idea and also to see how many other parents took similarly creative, innocent and uninhibited costume ideas in stride. So sweet. Children are magical.
"Now I can die quietly." Greek WW2 rescuer, 92, meets with the descendants of the Mordechai family who she saved during the war, earlier this month in Jerusalem.
Points for Google on this: new Project Understood solicits help from individuals with Down Syndrome to make voice recognition software more accessible to those with disabilities. Lend your voice. Kudos to Google on this.
Somewhere in the world, kids hear a violin for the first time.
Texas students invent life-altering device for teacher with ALS.
And last, but never least: Lest We Forget
Now run along and comment! Let us know what you think.
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