On Thursday I joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the ever more frantic urge to impeach Trump for ...anything. The latest news is that one thousand anti-Trump federal prosecutors have joined with Robert De Niro, a man whose most coherent legal argument is "F**k Trump!", to say he's guilty - as if the number of prosecutors is now the greatest proof of guilt. Click below to watch:
You can see the full video with the massed ranks of federal prosecutors here.
~As our Mark Steyn Club second-birthday celebrations draw to a close, we are very gratified by all those First Month Founding Members who decided to re-re-up for another year. On the other hand, we have also been pleasantly surprised by the uptick in new members this last month. So, if you were waiting a couple of years to see if we were in it for the long haul, you can find more details about the Club here - and about our Third Annual Club Cruise with me and my special guests on the Mediterranean here. Or, if you're looking for a present for a Steyn fan, don't forget our special Gift Membership.