On March 19, 2019 at 4:00 pm, Paul Harmon wrote:
The socialists controlling the state of Oregon, in order to reduce the price of housing, will end single-family zoning. Recently passed state-wide rent control is already causing a nose-dive in multi-family housing, so the state government is mandating construction of more residential structures with multiple dwellings. Developers will not get permission to build "lucrative" single family homes without mixing in quadruplex and apartment houses in the same areas, as well as back filling them into current neighborhoods.
I think... Californians are going to stop migrating here. What do you think the effect will be on Oregon?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:04 pm, David Kelley-Wood wrote:
(Incidentally, I'm in central China, and so am on Beijing time, which is the same as Singapore time.) I've been wondering for some time when we might see attacks on innocent Muslims in retaliation for attacks by Islamic extremists, At first, it looked like that may have been what happened in Christchurch. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems almost inevitable that that's where we're headed. Do you see it differently?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:05 pm, George Pazin wrote:
Simple question - not easy to answer, but simple to ask - first:
What's next for the UK and Brexit?
Harder question to ask, not sure about answer:
"But I'm sure Chelsea's learned her lesson. How eager do you think she'll be to criticize Ilhan Omar's next outburst?"
Will the Chelseas of the world ever wake up to their true enemy? They think it is we boring, quiet, Trump supporters, but last I checked, we're not the ones confronting her angrily at memorial services.....
On March 19, 2019 at 4:05 pm, Alan from Nova Scotia wrote:
It's been a sickening week with the loss of innocent lives both in Christchurch and Utrecht. Then the blame game started and the usual suspects were identified - gun control and shutting down rational intelligent conversation. A new development, though is the targeting of people with views that go against the mainstream narrative and blaming them personally for the atrocities. Where will it all end - your thoughts?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:05 pm, Mark F wrote:
"America Alone" seems to become a reality more and more each day, though resolve in America seems to be waning with each passing week. It seems the civil liberties fight is now on the 2nd Amendment front. Will the old saying "the 2nd Amendment protects the 1st" be put to the test? Civilian disarmament seems to be going lockstep with the Left's big tech censorship.
On March 19, 2019 at 4:11 pm, Boyce Jenner wrote:
Hello Mark,
On concrete walls here in Wellington there have appeared the slogan "Stand Firm New Zealand", a fatuous statement if ever there was one. I wondered why, the boring plonker hadn't even considered using the Christmas message 'Peace & Goodwill to All' if he wanted a bit of sappily universal outreach... but that could be too Christian for secular people to dream up, couldn't it?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:12 pm, Paul Cathey wrote:
In re movies that couldn't be made today, include the Man in the Gray Flannel Suit. and Crossfire (1947).
On March 19, 2019 at 4:12 pm, Laura Rosen Cohen wrote:
The condolences sent by Queen Elizabeth to New Zealand were dignified and appropriate. Do you have any hope that Prince Charles will be able to maintain this level of dignity, or should we just hope that Wills will get there first? And how woke do you think Prince Harry and the Duchess will go?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:12 pm, Ron A wrote:
One premise of the NZ killer manifesto is that climate change is an extreme danger to humanity and drastic action is needed immediately to combat it. Why is no one on our side questioning this premise, or better yet, giving AOC and the other Green New Dealers the Chelsea Clinton treatment for spreading this notion far and wide?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:13 pm, Carla Micallef wrote:
Hi Mark, why do Republicans and Conservatives always go along with how the Left frames an argument? Even on right leaning media you hear carbon and carbon credits when they mean carbon dioxide, climate change when they mean global warming, calling Robert Francis O'Rourke "Beto," etc. It's hard to change minds when you start the conversation using the Left's talking points.
On March 19, 2019 at 4:15 pm, Garry from LSD (Lower Slower Delaware) wrote:
I mean this in the BEST possible sense - Where on the "Identity Pyramid" does a Gay-Transgender individual stand? Do they hit the trifecta or perhaps a "bifecta"?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:15 pm, Evelyn G. wrote:
Here in Toronto, a diverse fellow named Kamal Badri was just arrested for planting two separate suspicious packages on the TTC and it barely made the news. As you have pointed out, as per the mayor of London, every city is expected to consider this a part of regular city life unless the actions are directed against Muslims. How do we even start to root out the unbelievable indifference and the blase attitudes within the police forces, and among the citizenry? A guy tries to plant two separate suspicious packages and we just yawn? We still don't know anything about the "lone wolf" of the Danforth massacre.
On March 19, 2019 at 4:32 pm, Arnold Grey wrote:
What is your opinion of "Drag Queen Storytime"? Apparently a Drag Queen Storyteller was invited to read at the Houston Public Library. But oopsie he was a registered sex offender. Has our entire planet gone mad? How on earth did we get here, to "Drag Queen Storytime"? How much worse is this going to get?
On March 19, 2019 at 4:43 pm, Joseph Dornisch wrote:
Mark you claim to be an optimist, or at least you recently have claimed to be an optimist - stating that you think we'll come to our senses (or something), but yet you constantly sound pretty pessimistic. Just now you predicted that free speech would be gone in 2031 years (when the global warmers are predicting the end of the world). Please describe where and how you are optimist, because it just does not seem to be so.
On March 19, 2019 at 5:00 pm, Toby Pilling wrote:
The principled democrats of the ERG in the UK, who are refusing to endorse Teresa May's dreadful deal, are apparently calling themselves the 'Spartans'. Would you agree with the analogy?
On March 19, 2019 at 5:00 pm, Michael Cavino wrote:
Do you think Chief Justice John Roberts is turning into Trump's Earl Warren? He seems to siding with the four justices more and more.
On March 19, 2019 at 5:05 pm, Kate Smyth wrote:
On the topic of Not Noticing the Obvious, the advice of Roger Scruton is that if you're told not to say something, you should repeat it. Say It Again.
Erdogan's attack on the ANZACs following the Christchurch attack seems like a good time to repeat our demand for an end to Muslim immigration to the West.
On March 19, 2019 at 5:05 pm, James Driskell wrote:
When I look at what the left responds to, will comply with, will alter it's position on, and I have to exclude money in this view, it's always force or the threat of force, implying their cowardice towards those who make the treat. They do not respond to reason or reasoning. Do you observe the same?