As a follow-up to last week's Clubland Q&A, Mark answers more questions from Mark Steyn Club members around the planet on constitutions and virtue, empathy and Afghanistan, and mass shootings of global significance and none. Click below to watch:
Mark's Mailbox, SteynPosts and The Mark Steyn Show are made possible through the support of members of The Mark Steyn Club, for which we are profoundly grateful. Among the pleasures of membership is that you can enjoy our TV content in any medium you desire: video, audio or text. So, if you'd rather sample the above in non-visual form, please log-in here. We're excited to announce that our entire run of SteynPosts and video Mailboxes, starting with the very first edition, are now available in audio. You can find all those, plus some of the more memorable editions of The Mark Steyn Show, over in our Audio & Transcripts department.
Speaking of audio, if you missed our latest Tale for Our Time, John Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps, it's still available from Episode One starting here - and makes perfect weekend binge-listening. We'll have a new audio adventure later this month.
If you haven't yet experienced the delights of The Mark Steyn Club, you can find more information here - and we've also introduced, for the Steyn fan in your family, a limited-time Gift Membership that includes a personally autographed book or CD.