On Thursday evening I joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the Democrats' ever more explicit preference for illegal immigrants over American citizens. Along the way I managed to misattribute Hugh Kingsmill's line - "Friends are God's apology for relatives" - to Malcolm Muggeridge. So I apologize for "God's apology" (in mitigation, I have sitting on the shelf somewhere a memoir of Muggeridge by Richard Ingrams called God's Apology), Apologies aside, divine or otherwise, click below to watch:
Media-ite didn't care for it.
~If you prefer me in non-visual form, later today, Friday, I'll be launching our latest radio serialization in Tales for Our Time. This will be the second half of our January double-bill of frosty fiction. Tales for Our Time and much of our content at SteynOnline is made possible through the support of members of The Mark Steyn Club, for which we're profoundly grateful. You can find more details about the Club here - and, if you're looking for the perfect birthday present for a Steyn fan, don't forget our Club Gift Membership.