On Friday morning Mark gave the breakfast keynote speech to a capacity crowd at the Heartland Institute's 10th International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC - the same jurisdiction in which climate mullah Michael E Mann is suing Mark for defamation. We think you'll appreciate very much this Steyn summation of where the suit currently stands, although whether Mann and his lawyer will is another matter.
The video begins with a much deserved award for Anthony Watts, proprietor of the indispensable climate website WattsUpWithThat.com, and then Jim Lakely turns up to introduce Mark about 20 minutes in. After that, Mark touches on Magna Carta, the Medieval Warm Period, the warm bit of Canada, naked Nobel Laureates, Rajendra Pantsdowni jumping the tracks - and, of course, Doctor Fraudpants and his hockey stick. Sit back and enjoy - and do stay tuned for the q-&-a at the end:
~Mark also made an appearance on The Michael Graham Show, showing up in the second hour to discuss the NAACP black woman who turned out to be a white Germanic lady, and the identity politics of transgendered climate change.