Today I started the day with the great John Oakley at Toronto's AM640. We discussed, among other things, the new global pariah - Indiana - as well as Trevor Noah, the incoming "Daily Show" host. Click below to listen:
See also these wise words from my friend Deroy Murdock:
What if you are an atheist who really objects to gay marriage? Must you still bake cakes for gay weddings, or will pro-shariah Muslim bakers be the only ones who can walk into court and ask to be excused from doing so..?
Do we respect a gay baker's right to choose not to bake a cake for the Westboro Baptist Church with icing that reads God Hates Fags?
Do we respect a fundamentalist Muslim baker's choice not to bake a cake for a bar mitzvah because she really is not crazy about the Star of David?
Someone left America's cake out in the rain, and we'll never find that recipe again, oh nooooooooooooooo....
~Re the book John mentioned on the air: That would be Climate Change: The Facts, featuring me and a bunch of eminent scientists as well as my fellow Canadians Ross McKitrick, the man who (with Steve McIntyre) inflicted more damage on Michael E Mann's global warming "hockey stick" than anybody else, and Donna Laframboise, who's done more to expose sex fiend Rajendra Pachauri's reign of error at the IPCC than anybody else. Climate Change: The Facts is available in eBook format from Amazon and all the usual outlets. But, for hardcore deniers interested in contributing to mass deforestation, you can order it in paperback direct from SteynOnline - and I'll be happy to autograph it for you or your denialist accomplices. We're also offering the paperback as part of a special deal with our Steyn vs the Stick Big Climate Special, and with my latest book in our Undocumented and Unsettled special - part of my efforts to ensure I can continue propping up my end of the Mann vs Steyn lawsuit for the three, four, seven years it's got left to run. Speaking of which, there's always our SteynOnline gift certificates, too.
~Tomorrow I'll be keeping my weekly date with Hugh Hewitt, live coast to coast across America at 6pm Eastern/3pm Pacific.