Greetings one and all and welcome to this year's Purim issue of Laura's Links. But before we get to Purim info, there is reason to celebrate. Last week, we let you know that there was a nice bit of good news from the everlasting fresh hell of litigation that Mark has suffered from because of Michael Mann. And today, came an even more delicious update. Make sure you read the whole thing and also read some fabulous colour commentary from our friends at the Powerline blog. Right-O and Cheerio, and now we can go back to our regularly scheduled uppity Jewish Mom musings: The Purim Shpiel: Purim is often described as the Jewish Halloween but that's not really a very accurate comparison. Other than costumes, they are not very similar. The basic ...
Mark takes questions from Steyn Club members around the planet...
Steyn surveys the various regime changes in Canada and Syria...
Rick McGinnis on Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as Woodward and Bernstein...
On this week's edition of Mark Steyn on the Town we mark the sesquicentennial of a great composer, Maurice Ravel - plus "lounge soul" via South Africa, a big belter from the NYPD, and Sinatra goes country. ..
The wheels of justice grind on in London and Washington...
The entire history of the contemporary western world in a single news story...
We mark the sesquicentennial of Bizet's Carmen - plus, from the 1960s, a global blockbuster, and Australians at the Academy Awards. Also: Sinatra sings Oscar winners...
Zelenskyyyy comes to the White House, although not for lunch...
A Nigerian naysayer on Trump and Steyn's bestseller...
After President Trump's suggestion that the United States should buy Greenland, Mark reads the greatest of all poems on the subject...
Live by Falsifying Evidence, Die by Falsifying Evidence...
UPDATE (Mar 12): Court Sanctions Mann for Bad-Faith Trial Misconduct* From Judge Irving: "Dr. Mann's assertion that there was no falsehood or misrepresentation in his testimony or his counsel's conduct borders on frivolity." "the record plainly shows the deliberate and knowing misconduct of Dr. Mann's counsel in eliciting false testimony from Dr. Mann and misrepresenting his grant funding." "Dr. Mann's counsel's bad faith misconduct is an affront to the Court's authority and an attack on the integrity of the proceedings warranting sanctions." Do read the whole thing here. (* Yesterday, Mann's lawyers told the Court of Appeals that the motion above was "moot".) And, don't forget to tune in later today as Mark takes questions from club ...
Welcome to the concluding episode of our wintry Tale for Our Time - Jack London's To Build a Fire
The first part of a Jack London tale of exceptionally frosty fiction...
Welcome to the conclusion of our winter Tale for Our Time: Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson...
In tonight's penultimate episode of Lord of the World, the volor fleets of the world's powers prepare to embark for the final showdown...
IIn tonight's episode of Lord of the World, the newspapers proclaim the dawn of a new era of world peace ...because man now knows he is his own god...
In tonight's installment, Percy finds himself back at Victoria Station in a wholly transformed capital...
Our latest Tale for Our Time charges on: Lord of the World, Robert Hugh Benson's speculative fiction of 1907 about how our world might be a century hence - ie, right now...
In Episode Eight of Lord of the World, on the eve of the expected war with the Eastern Empire, there is a sudden outbreak of world peace...
Part Seven of our latest Tale for Our Time: Lord of the World is Robert Hugh Benson's futuristic fiction of 1907, speculating on where we'll be in a century's time - which is more or less right now...
Welcome to Part Six of our nightly audio entertainment - Lord of the World, Robert Hugh Benson's vision of the early twenty-first century as seen from 1907...
Welcome to Part Five of our brand new Tale for Our Time: Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson, set in the early twenty-first century as seen from 1907...
Part Four of our latest audio diversion. Lord of the World is a work of speculative fiction from 1907 about the western world in the early twenty-first century - and Mr Benson got an awful lot of things right...
Welcome to the third installment of our brand new Tale for Our Time, a most far-sighted novel, written by Robert Hugh Benson and published in 1907...
Welcome to Part Two of Lord of the World, our latest audio adventure in Tales for Our Time and a favourite of at least two popes...
Welcome to the sixty-eighth audio adventure in our series Tales for Our Time - and our first foray into the work of Robert Hugh Benson...
A remote fantastical kingdom far from Europe's chancelleries of power... An unpopular monarch on the eve of his coronation... A ruling class of plotters and would-be usurpers... ...and a gentleman adventurer on holiday. No, not Ruritania in the nineteenth century, but the United Kingdom in the twenty-first...