We sometimes confuse polls and statistics. A poll is a snapshot of probabilities. A statistic is a record: This actually happened. The Closet Conservative reminded me of one remarkable statistic I spotted on the road a month or so back and never got around to writing up: In 2010, in the city of Oslo, every single sexual assault leading to rape in which the perpetrator was identified was committed by a person of "non-western origin". Every single one. All 83 cases.
In Norway, persons of "non-western origin" are Muslim - there aren't a lot of Hindus or Pacific Cargo Cultists. In that sense, the term itself is a euphemism, like "Asian", the designation with which the British media obscure the reality of sexual violence in their own cities, happy to slander Sikhs or Buddhists in the greater cause of obfuscating about Islam. So child-sex gangs in which every member's first, last or middle name is Mohammed can only be identified as "Asian".
Pat Condell provides his own sharp commentary on the lopsided Norwegian police blotter (and our refusal even to acknowledge it) here. For my own part, I have very little to add to what I wrote nine years ago, back when "non-western" rapists had a mere two-thirds of the Oslo market and their victims were lectured by the intellectual class that Norwegian women needed to "adapt" to the sensitivities of a multicultural society. I suppose now that "non-western" rapists have increased their market share to 100 per cent, those Norwegian women need to redouble their adaption efforts. In response to this piece, I was besieged by mail denouncing me as racist. Unfortunately, whether or not I'm racist, in this area the evidence is even more so. This was written in the summer of 2002 and is excerpted from The Face Of The Tiger:
Last week in Sydney, the pack leader of a group of Lebanese Muslim gang-rapists was sentenced to 55 years in gaol. I suppose I ought to say "Lebanese-Australian" Muslim gang-rapists, since the accused were Australian citizens. But, identity-wise, the rambunctious young lads considered themselves heavy on the Lebanese, light on the Australian. During their gang rapes, the lucky lady would be told she was about to be "fucked Leb style" and that she deserved it because she was an "Australian pig".
But, inevitably, it's the heavy sentence that's "controversial". After September 11th, Americans were advised to ask themselves, "Why do they hate us?" Now Australians need to ask themselves, "Why do they rape us?" As Monroe Reimers put it on the letters page of The Sydney Morning Herald:
As terrible as the crime was, we must not confuse justice with revenge. We need answers. Where has this hatred come from? How have we contributed to it? Perhaps it's time to take a good hard look at the racism by exclusion practised with such a vengeance by our community and cultural institutions.
Indeed. Many's the time, labouring under the burden of some or other discriminatory municipal policy, I've thought of pinning some gal down and sodomising her while 14 of my pals look on and await their turn. But I fear in my case the Monroe Reimers of the world would be rather less eager to search for "root causes". Gang rape as a legitimate expression of the campaign for social justice is a privilege reserved only unto a few.
Mr Reimers, though, will be happy to know his view is echoed across the hemispheres. Five days before 9/11, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet reported that 65% of the country's rapes were committed by "non-western" immigrants – a category which, in Norway, is almost wholly Muslim. A professor at the University of Oslo explained that one reason for the disproportionate Muslim share of the rape market was that in their native lands "rape is scarcely punished" because it is generally believed that "it is women who are responsible for rape".
So Muslim immigrants to Norway should be made aware that things are a little different in Scandinavia, right?
Not at all! Rather, the professor insisted, "Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes" because their manner of dress would be regarded by Muslim men as inappropriate. "Norwegian women must realize that we live in a multicultural society and adapt themselves to it." Or to modify Queen Victoria's wedding-night advice to her daughter: lie back and think of Yemen.
France? Well, I can't bring you any ethnic rape statistics from the Fifth Republic because the authorities go to great lengths not to keep any. But, even though the phenomenon of immigrant gang rape does not officially exist, there's already a word for it: the "tournante" – or "take your turn". Last year, 11 Muslim men were arrested for enjoying a grand old tournante with a 14-year old girl in a cellar. It's now a widely accepted communal "rite of passage" in the North African quartiers of French cities.
Whether or not certain cultures are more prone to rape is a delicate question. But what's interesting is how easily even this most extreme manifestation of multiculturalism is subsumed within the usual pieties. Norwegian women must learn to be, in a very real sense, less "exclusionary". Lebanese male immigrants, finding refuge in a land of peace, freedom and opportunity, are somehow transformed into gang rapists by Australian racism.
After September 11th, a friend in London said to me she couldn't stand all the America-needs-to-ask-itself stuff because she used to work at a rape crisis centre and she'd heard this blame-the-victim routine a thousand times before: America was asking for it. Like those Norwegian women, it was being "provocative". Even so, it comes as a surprise to find the multiculti apologists doing exactly the same to actual rape victims. In a fainthearted west, we're all asking for it - and we're going to get it, good and hard.