[See the rear end of this post for late-breaking addendum]
I meant to explore this rich topic last year, but Dublin reader Tony Allwright (proprietor of the Tallrite website) sends along this helpful etymological addendum:
Congratulations on your stellar performance in front of Ontario's Standing Committee. In a couple of the commentaries to which you link, much is made of the name of the Irish bar to which you later repaired with some of your admirers, the "Pogue Mahone", as this is also the alias used by Richard Warman when posing in cyberspace as a neo-Nazi.
Your readers should also be aware that this is an Irish phrase which is properly written as "Póg mo thóin". It translates as "Kiss my arse" (or for you North Americans, "Kiss my ass").
How appropriate.
Indeed. The names chosen by Canada's leading Internet Nazis - Warman and Dean ("jadewarr") Steacy - are really quite revealing of the system's pathological pettiness.
(*My mind might be playing tricks, but isn't that the title of a song from Warren Kinsella's band? Cat Out Of Hell, or whatever they're called.)
UPDATE: Marc Lemire, whose Section 13 prosecution has led to the uncovering of the kinky behavior of the federal "human rights" warriors, sends along the following reminder that Mr Warman has one of the rare rear ends to be probed in court. From the transcript:
MR. FROMM: Did you in fact at one point register? [ON STORMFRONT]
MR. WARMAN: I did, yes. I registered a pseudonym, yes.
MR. FROMM: What was the pseudonym?
MR. WARMAN: The pseudonym was "pogue mahone".
MR. FROMM: Could you spell that,please?
MR. WARMAN: The pseudonym was P-O-G-U-E, new word, M-A-H-O-N-E. It is the name of an Irish Celtic music group.
MR. FROMM: Is it also Gaelic for "kiss my rear end"?
MR. WARMAN: I'm not sure.
Paul Fromm is observing the important legal principle: When you hit bottom, dig.
PS I hesitate to accuse Mr Warman of a perjurious posterior, but I wonder if he was quite so unsure as he claims.