On March 26, 2025 at 2:58 pm, Wayne Cunnington wrote:
Hello Laura, Sorry to hear about Mark's health issues.
What do you think about Andrew's running for election? He's putting his money where his mouth is by offering the Canadian public a real alternative isn't he.
What are your thoughts about the British teacher cancelling Easter for her pupils over cultural sensitivities but suggesting celebrating refugee day instead?
On March 26, 2025 at 2:58 pm, Chris Davies wrote:
Lovely to have you back behind the microphone.
What do you make of the cancellation of Easter at Eastleigh Primary School in favour of Refugee Week in June?
The school have made clear their intention to become a sanctuary school, which secures funding of between £6,000 and £30,000 for non-British born students who tick all the diversity and special educational needs boxes.
At the same time as the West End of London is festooned in Happy Ramadan lights, is this just what us British now have to accept as the inevitable path to joining the Eurabian caliphate?
Keep well Laura.
On March 26, 2025 at 2:59 pm, Kryptonite For Breakfast wrote:
Question for discussion- what about that sudden surge in Liberal Party support in Canada recently?
The cloddish rampage of Trump recently has certainly given the Grits the weapon of Nationalism for use in the coming election, but there is another rather interesting aspect of all this. From the graphs much of this surge appears to be at the serious expense of the NDP.
Why the sudden loss of faith on the part of their members?
On March 26, 2025 at 3:00 pm, George Pereira wrote:
Since World War II all of the various Canadian governments seem hell bent on destroying Canadian Manhood and destroying Canada as a nation.
How else do you get to a Trudeau the pitiful and mammy singing younger and the unelected Mark Carney (no relation to Art Carney)?
President Donald J Trump! does the math and says hold on a minute and the news out of the great white north is the elites are all outraged! Chrystia Freeland (a close relative of the she-wolf of the Donbass Victoria Nuland) wants Canada to whore itself off to the European Union for nuclear protection from Orange Man Bad.
Does no one in the halls of power have any shame?
How is any of this not, front and center, the main electoral issue?
I don't get any of this. Can you explain this rationally or are they all just insane?
On March 26, 2025 at 3:02 pm, Doug Cole wrote:
Hi Laura. Wishing Mark a speedy return to health - but in the meantime, hello to my favorite uppity Jewess! It is always great to hear your take on things....and (shout out) to Andrew Lawton!
Question (finally): Do you feel Canadian conservatives electibility will suffer based on the actions of the Trump administration vis-a-vis tarrifs and such? I hope not but what is your take on this?
Doug Cole
On March 26, 2025 at 3:04 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
What do you think of the huge gaffe by Liberal leader Mark Carney who doesn't know Quebec really as he needs to be has been abroad so long. Quebecers are slowly seeing that he doesn't. Quite ironic as the Liberals have exploited repeatedly the infamous massacre years ago of female engineering students at the University of Montreal Polytechnique school to push gun control but Carney said it happened at Concordia University. He is European not Canadian as he himself has said in the past.
On March 26, 2025 at 3:06 pm, Leo VT wrote:
Hi, Laura. Nice to have you back on.
As you, I am looking forward to Andrew Lawton MP.
Can the Conservatives win with all the legacy media against them?
We saw the Globe already try to smear him. Turns out the Globe is tied to Carney's 100 million people by 2100 plan.
Seems like it has become an uphill battle. I am afraid Carney is Kier Starmer, Canadian style.
On March 26, 2025 at 3:07 pm, Elisa Angel wrote:
What happens to Justin Trudeau now that he's no longer PM? Where does he live? Will he go back to teaching drama classes?
I know you don't have a crystal ball, but what's your best guess?
On March 26, 2025 at 3:08 pm, Eric Dale wrote:
Lauren, hail to the queen of the Q&A, long may she reign! Loose lips sink ships, but sharing the chat link on pending airstrikes is good enough for government work. What do we think we're going to accomplish in Yemen the Saudis couldn't nor the Biden administration with using airstrikes? Could this be a sign from God that we should be taking the off ramp out of the middle east?
On March 26, 2025 at 3:10 pm, OLGA from Arizona wrote:
Hi Miss Laura! It's always so nice to hear you!
I do hope Mr. Steyn is recovering speedily before the big
Euro sojourn.
My Jewy comment du jour is that, apparently, the Gazan
relocation program idea has quite caught on. I read this morning
that the first one hundred Gazans are already headed to
Indonesia, & the Jews have a brand new migration unit
to handle all the logistics.
This is kind of a big deal, n'est-ce pas?
Joyous wishes,
P.S. &, yes, obviously, want to hear all about how Andrew's
campaign is going! Thank you for updating us!
On March 26, 2025 at 3:11 pm, Bossy Nova wrote:
Hi Laura. I saw something posted on X by Israeli PM Netanyahu earlier today. It was a video of him talking about the Israeli deep state, and how the protests in Israel now are about the left trying to keep control of the judiciary and other levels of power. Is Israel heading toward a civil war?
On March 26, 2025 at 3:49 pm, Mark Shere wrote:
Love you, Laura! How about a few words of, dare I say, unqualified optimism for the future? We are living in this glorious time of the Great Trump, Elon's magical rocket ships and cars, young people brandishing the torch of conservatism, and so much more to be grateful and hopeful about after our society came so close to the brink. To paraphrase Tevye Der Milkhiker, there's something to be said for being joyful even when our hearts lie panting on the floor, how much more should be joyful when there's really something to be joyful for!
On March 26, 2025 at 3:50 pm, Charles Perts wrote:
No question, just want to let you know that it's always good to hear your voice. You are a beacon of humanity, and an inspiration to the rest of us.
On March 26, 2025 at 3:50 pm, Kelly Harbeson wrote:
Always glad to hear from you, Ms Cohen. Between you and Melissa our boy Mark is well backed up.
On March 26, 2025 at 3:51 pm, Dave Rogers wrote:
Greetings from Maine, where the war against women is still being waged by trans athletes and especially by our governor. I thought we were at the end of the insanity with President Trump's Executive Order but was I too happy too soon? I keep seeing stories about boys running circles around girls in competition, or hurting them. What gives?
On March 26, 2025 at 3:51 pm, Fran Lavery wrote:
Hi Laura,
I've been reading an Italian news/opinion essayist who I enjoy very much. He writes about the Islamization of Italy. His name is Giulio Meotti: I'm reading him partly to hear his daily reports which reinforce what Mark relays to his readers, and partly to practice my Italian which is declining rapido. Can you recommend a writer from France who gives these kinds of updates on the internet so I can drill down on that country's acquiescence to Islam, as well, and hone my French at the same time? Two birds with one stone, I mean, and quite a horrible saying, I realize, as I'm a bird lover.
All the very best to your family and Shalom!
On March 26, 2025 at 3:52 pm, Sheldon Winter wrote:
At the risk of sounding like an irritating millennial, "what are you watching nowadays"? Any recommendations for movies, TV or books?