Our latest Tale for Our Time charges on: The Girl on the Boat, P G Wodehouse's comic romp of 1922. Thank you for all your comments on this serialisation. Josh Passell, a First Weekend Founding Member of The Mark Steyn Club, enjoyed last night's Sam-Billie showdown:
Sam's appearance may have been a disappointment, but not the scene—and certainly not your performance. I have to remind myself that the seeming cast of characters is only you. All you, rather. A hit with the widows and orphans.
Well, that particular scene was fun to do, Josh. There's always one episode where the tale-teller is obliged to go the extra mile, as they say - and the extra miles are always different. In Lord of the World, it was the chapter where Percy immerses himself in prayer, which was quite a challenge. In The Girl on the Boat, this scene was also a challenge, but a comedic one, which is generally more difficult - without wishing to go all precious and luvvie on you.
In tonight's episode, Sam returns to his stateroom to find his roommate and he are not exactly on the same wavelength:
"Let me tell you that, as a result of that concert, my engagement is broken off."
Eustace sprang forward with outstretched hand.
"Not really? How splendid! Accept my congratulations! This is the finest thing that could possibly have happened."
Members of The Mark Steyn Club can listen to Part Nine of our adventure simply by clicking here and logging-in. Earlier episodes can be found here.
If you've yet to hear any of our Tales for Our Time, you can do so by joining The Mark Steyn Club. Membership is available now - and, if you sign up, you'll be all set for Part Ten of The Girl on the Boat this time tomorrow (and all the earlier episodes, of course). And, if you've a friend who likes classic fiction, don't forget our special Gift Membership - which makes a perfect birthday present.