On March 19, 2025 at 2:56 pm, Ketil Haarstad wrote:
Ended the ski season with a trip to Schönben and Hochfisch in Austria. There are great cross-country trails but little snow. So I crossed the border to the first small village of Ulrichsberg. What is the first thing that appears in the store? A young burqa-clad woman with children in tow. To me, these costumes seem like an attempt at dominance, perhaps also because we had a never-so-small shopping cart confrontation, like when two cars go to the same parking lot. But I was there first and saw no reason to give way.
In everyday life in the Czech Republic, we never see Islamists in public, neither with nor without a burqa or a hijab, and may ask - why? Migrants can just get in the car and drive, there are no border controls.
Is it because there are winter-ready and ski-loving Nordics on the border that makes it hard to cross?
Is it because of the completely incomprehensible Czech language?
Is it because of all the Christianity with statues, churches and chapels and crosses at every crossroads?
Is it because the Czechs have no respect for all the woke in the media but laugh at it?
Is it because they don't have any special programs for migrants?
I don't know but it works!
On March 19, 2025 at 2:58 pm, Chirurgus et Advocatus wrote:
The USA is now modeling the South American judicial fiat countries. How magnificent! Oh wait, what utter bullshit.
And as for Chief Justice Roberts's "200 year history of not impeaching judges," here's the thing:
1. For 200 years, judges did not reach so far outside of their Article III powers and usurp Article II powers.
2. Regardless, the Constitution itself offers impeachment of Federal judges as a mechanism...thus a constitutional mechanism.
Roberts's Supreme Court should have stepped in long ago and instituted restrainment measures e.g. barring a district court judge in Radical, USA imposing a nationwide injunction, let alone a nationwide injunction on...the President. Justice Thomas has been all for trashing this forum shopping mechanism used by both sides (but more so the libs) to distort the justice system...and now the constitutional separation of powers. But Roberts resisted implementing such a bar.
And so Roberts relying on "history" or "tradition"? Sure, it's how things should be if there was judicial restraint. But things are of hand now. Your thoughts?
On March 19, 2025 at 2:58 pm, Doug Cole wrote:
Hey Mark. Glad to hear you voice again (even if somedays you don't feel it is up to full strength). Short of full-on anarchy is there a way to eliminate the ability of these Dead Moose Junction Judges from issuing what seem to be politically-driven edicts - with the expectation that they apply to the entire nation? And if not, are there any country's remaining where common sense exists - or is it just the fate of mankind to be subject to these elite toffee-nosed ivy-league hacks?
Doug Cole
On March 19, 2025 at 3:00 pm, David Elstrom wrote:
The Executive Branch strategy seems to be tiptoeing around the real issue by finding reasonable legal arguments for going about its business while, in fact, defying the decisions of usurper judges. But this only works until you run into a usurper appellate majority. At some point, the administration (backed by a Republican majority Congress) needs to have a "Mr Madison has made his decision, now let him enforce it," moment. Leftist power grubbers will dub this a "constitutional crisis," but the crisis originates in the judiciary branch itself. Serious pushback works. FDR proved this when his court-packing threat cowed the Supreme Court into ignoring the 9th and 10th amendments. Thoughts?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:00 pm, Kelly Harbeson wrote:
"Impeach Justice Roberts and replace him" has a nice sound. Perhaps the entire judicial system from top to bottom needs to get over this "judge for life" mentality. Would the serious prospect of impeachment for incompetence or activism be the way to thwart this government by the judiciary that you point out is such a travesty in a constitutional republic? Could the Democrats' thirst for impeachment after impeachment come back to haunt them?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:02 pm, Our Man Obsidian wrote:
The Tory collapse is moving apace in Canada. Several polls already put the Libs under Carney in the lead. And some say an anti-trump backlash is a good part of this, added to the fact that the Conservative lead was in great part an anti- Justin thing. Should we prepare for a hurricane?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:04 pm, Chris Davies wrote:
I hope you are well.
A Ugandan immigrant to the UK, a judge in her home nation, retains a slave citing "cultural differences" and cannot understand why that might be a problem, as it is apparently perfectly acceptable in Uganda.
Would you agree that such cultural differences can only be bridged by the migrant or is it up to the other 68M people on this island to bend to all migrants social and cultural norms?
If ever there was a need to start the deportations, it is now.
Keep well Mark.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:06 pm, Chris Hall wrote:
We all remember being constantly warned about the dangers of Islamophobia, but given the widespread violence around the world that it being directed toward Christians and Jews, wouldn't it be appropriate to have a campaign warning against Christophobia and Judeophobia?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:08 pm, Toby Pilling wrote:
As a Newcastle United fan with recent cause for celebration, I don't understand why I should be concerned by our ownership by dodgy Saudis. Football is a notorious money pit - if they want to throw their money away, why not let them?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:10 pm, Denyse O\'Leary wrote:
Question: Why is the tech media so totally hostile to government reform and, in particular, to Elon Musk? With respect to the return of the stranded astronauts, the response has been that they were never stranded anyhow, so what difference does this make? I am sure that if I were one of them, I would not see it that way (whatever I said publicly).
Is Musk raising the bar for the tech midwits by actually doing something right? Could that be one reason Teslas are suddenly transformed into fireballs? It would make sense because I don't know that the usual riot-prone youths are interested in Teslas so whatever is motivating the carson attacks is more likely ideological.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:13 pm, Tim Boggs aka Midwestern Tim wrote:
What becomes of Japan and South Korea when their demographic destiny becomes reality? Are there moored masses waiting to get in, or does China just take over both without a shot fired?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:16 pm, Chris Hall wrote:
Hi Mark,
Did you see a report that U of Pennsylvania is having federal grants suspended because of their policy regarding biological men competing in women's sports? Maybe a certain scientist you know will have his grants trimmed after all.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:20 pm, Sandra wrote:
An article I just read reminded me of Dr. Mann's special summer salary, a major topic during the hockeystick trial. This Substack article by Colin Wright discusses how universities exploit federal funding. The "summer salary" mechanism—which siphons a significant portion of grant funds directly into the personal bank accounts of university professors—is a practice ripe for scrutiny.
"Unlike indirect costs, which at least contribute to institutional infrastructure, summer salaries divert research money directly into faculty paychecks, effectively turning public research grants into personal financial windfalls."
How about it, time to pull funds for these juicy summer salaries?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:23 pm, Nicholas Turner wrote:
What is your take on the JFK files?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:26 pm, Queen of the Jungle wrote:
Greetings & Salutations to our Beloved Mark Steyn!
I recently came across this incredible article about Rotherham, formerly the Child Rape Capital of the UK and could not believe my eyes.
Apparently, back in 2022-23 the then Conservative government generously decided to hand over nearly 2 million pounds to the Rotherham Borough Council to help "rebrand and transform" the place into the country's first ever 'Children's Capital of Culture' for 2025.
Councillors also got £76,000 in National Lottery grants, with which to hold a series of events to "empower children and young people.
This was so far beyond the pale that I couldn't believe it was possibly true so I did a simple google search and low and behold, there is was, the website for Childrens Capital of Culture.
In case anyone is wonder what this is all about, the home page is clear:
"We are giving every child and young person in Rotherham a chance to help shape their borough's future.
And access to more life-changing training and skills opportunities than they've ever had before!
One whole year of imagination, creativity and community. Packed with music and magic. Dance and drama. Films and food. Exhibitions and events. And much, much more. "
I cannot wait to hear your comments about this travesty as no one except for maybe Tommy Robinson, has covered this debacle and tragedy like you.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:30 pm, George Pereira wrote:
Here in the gay state whenever there is a government financial crunch (there is always money for illegals - always) the serfs are told the choice is to raise taxes (already at onerous levels) or face local ruin. The schools will cancel band, sports and other student activities rather than show some fiscal responsibility. The town will piously moan that fire stations will close, police stations will close, the roads won't be tended to (as if gay state roads are a thing to be envied). The local newspaper, the Hathaway Beagle (possibly not it's real name) will regal us with sob stories of all the hardworking teachers (local education is already lower than whale excrement) and other stories of local government workers (wink wink nudge nudge say no more say no more).
If you go to local government meetings to complain the police are set upon you.
It's all a racket!
There is always money for illegals - no matter what the cost.
Does this sound familiar?
From Blazing Saddles:
We have to protect our phony baloney jobs here, gentlemen! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately! Immediately! Harrumph! Harrumph! Harrumph!
On March 19, 2025 at 3:33 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
Elon Musk's most read tweet lately is of Canadian Gad Saad's asking when will the Western World wake up and stop this collapse. Musk says "Now".
Have to say I am encouraged by the SpaceX rescue of the astronauts though Nasa and the astronauts deny they were stuck!
On March 19, 2025 at 3:34 pm, Drew Weber wrote:
Hello Mark,
Democrats and their pundits are saying that Trump and DOGE cannot terminate programs, claiming that only Congress can do so since they legislate spending. Yep, the same Congress that passes one-thousand-plus page bills that they admit nobody reads. The spending in the bills are crafted by the same lobbyists, consultants and NGO-types that feed off the grift and corruption. To adapt a phrase from Margaret Thatcher, I hope Trump and team do not "go wobbly" as this may last chance to right our decrepit ship. Your thoughts?
On March 19, 2025 at 3:37 pm, Jo McInerney wrote:
And the beat goes on! A daily dose of judicial overreach that is now coming in clusters to separately declare insurrections against the power of the Executive Branch and heap it on themselves. The last black hat on the bench was the FISA judge who allowed multiple falsehoods to be entered into warrants to spy on American citizens. Yet here he sits adjudicating the rights of brutal gang members who would slit hs and his family's throats without even a fine how do you do.
I would be happy to see a few Tren de Aragua gang members brought to this judges court, who he feels strongly are victims of the DHS with full tattoos from head to toe. They take the stand and relay their best testimony on the little girl in Sufffolk County, NY who they dismembered, raped and buried in the woods. I'd give the gang a reason to readily testify which would a Turkish jail rather than a stint for life in El Salvador Cecot mega prison. I'm not a soothsayer but I'd say you couldn't shut them up, and the judge? Get the smelling salts.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:39 pm, eaglepatriotminuteman1776 wrote:
Dear Mr. Steyn,
We have yet another example of why we have a dysfunctional legal system. The plaintiffs in this case before the "Honorable" Judge Boasberg do not have standing to litigate what should be a political question, which every first year law student knows.
I agree with what the Z Man said on his podcast - that a DOJ lawyer needs to march into the courtroom the next time something like this happens and tell the judge, "You can issue whatever injunction you like, but we're going to do it anyway. You aren't the president and we are done playing pretend." The judiciary needs to be permanently cut off at the knees.
The thing I despise most about judges and law professors is that they think they are the smartest people in the room, but none of us are that impressive. If we were that impressive, we would be doctors and engineers.
Boasberg is a perfect example of this arrogant mediocrity. He thinks he is an expert and therefore he and his fellow bureaucrats in robes get the final say.
As you said, rule by judges is rule by elites. I don't necessarily mind rule by elites, in fact I favor it, because I do not think the lower orders - those like Boasberg - should have a say in things. Unfortunately, we don't have elites like Lord Wellington, Lee, or Czar Peter. We have Boasberg, Fauci, and Boris Johnson.
Yours Faithfully,
William Fleishman of Kiev and now in North Dakota
On March 19, 2025 at 3:39 pm, Walt Trimmer wrote:
John Marshall not Madison but your point is correct.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:41 pm, Teresa Maupin wrote:
"For what it's worth, Roberts sent the press release only to selected "legacy media" (ie, leftie outlets) and declined to make it available in the press-release section of his court's website." OMG -- this observation is totally worthwhile. Someone Roberts respects needs to pull him aside and let him know that this type of judicial activism might get him likes now, however he'll be vilified in years to come if the president's agenda is thwarted by black robed know-betters.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:46 pm, Patrick Geagan wrote:
Hello Mark hope you're doing well today.
The constitution is dead, we're seeing this everyday now with these rogue judges.
The only one that seems to follow the letter of the law is a guy that's not a lawyer named Trump.
Yesterday the court jester John Robert's issued a statement blasting Trump for wanting to impeach a useless federal judge, but has been very silent about these garbage courts issuing ruling after ruling of stealing the power of the executive branch.
Here's my problem with the whole situation, I don't really care what Roberts says, he can speak till he's blue in the face. It's Congress that controls the lower federal courts. Congress supplies the money, Congress picks the judges and Congress can impeach these fools anytime they want.
Where the hell is Congress?
I've seen maybe two or three guys talking about this problem, but the rest have been awfully silent on this damn issue.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:51 pm, John Wilson wrote:
It's time to ignore the judge and force her to take it up the chain. She is not the commander in chief and somebody needs to inform her of that fact.
On March 19, 2025 at 3:55 pm, Big D from Indiana wrote:
The judiciary is garbage. Roberts keeps his muffin hole shut when the communists scream for Thomas' impeachment or when Schumer threatens the SCOTUS, etc.- . He only pipes up when Obama tells him what to do...
On March 19, 2025 at 3:59 pm, Michael Cavino wrote:
David Elstrom is spot on with what Trump should do. Furthermore, Trump should announce that, as part of his effort to cut government spending, he will work with the House and Senate to eliminate the D.C. Circuit altogether. This circuit was created by Congress and can be eliminated in the exact same way!
On March 19, 2025 at 4:02 pm, Denyse O\'Leary wrote:
Actually, the reformers should have long foreseen that the upper class grifters would choose to strike back through the courts. The courts are THEIR territory. The real fight only begins now and it will be dreadful. At stake is everything that Woke toffs believe about their privilege.
On March 19, 2025 at 4:05 pm, James Fulford wrote:
When Roberts says
"For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision.. ."
He's talking about custom, rather than black-letter constitutional law. Why shouldn't a completely mad decision or injunction, usurping the legitimate powers of another branch of government be a "high crime" or "high misdemeanor"?
It's like Roosevelt's Third and Fourth Terms. Between Washington's Farewell Address and 1940, it was assumed that no President would presume to run more than twice, but it wasn't unconstitutional until they passed an amendment. Not impeaching judges for their decisions is the same kind of thing.
On March 19, 2025 at 4:08 pm, Scott Rosen wrote:
Will you be writing an update to America Alone soon?