It was a busy week at SteynOnline from the introduction of a new Tales for Our Time to a shock ruling out of the DC Superior Court...
Dan, a new member from Shropshire wrote:
Boyhood 'superfan' of Mark's, who set me on the path towards my middle-aged climate scepticism and anti-wokeism. The recent nonsensical judgment in favour of the Rat Mann in the defamation case stirred my rage in a way that's probably slightly unhealthy for a mildly obese 46 year old, so have decided to put my money where my mouth is an sign up as a full time Steynista...
Welcome aboard, Dan! Hopefully, the ruling to reduce the punitive damages by one million dollars to a mere five thousand and the following one sanctioning Mann and his lawyers for putting false evidence before the jury - has helped mollify that rage.
Renewing member John from Hampshire added:
Mark , ' Tho we are not that strength which in old days moved heaven and earth, that which we are, we are, one equal temper of heroic hearts '. Mark you are our Ulysses, defiant and magnificent in your autumn.
Laurel from Ontario has also renewed:
I am very grateful for Mark Steyn's insights on the issues ...usually well ahead of the rest of us. Bravo and God bless all you do. 3 John 2
Thank you, John, Laurel and all the members around the world for sticking with SteynOnline during this tumultuous time. As the verse Laurel cited says:
...I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Meanwhile, in case you missed it, here's how the rest of the week looked at SteynOnline:
~ On Sunday, Mark asserted that Sir Keir Kisses Up to Cousins.
~ Later, Steyn's Song of the Week featured a quintessentially Canadian song: "How About You?"
~ In Mark's Monday Notebook, he surveyed the various regime changes in Canada and Syria...
~ On Tuesday Mark examined the world after democracy.
~ Mark returned to Clubland Q&A on Wednesday, fielding questions from Mark Steyn Club members around the world. In case you missed it, here's the action replay.
~ Laura's Links included coverage of the ruling above plus her round-up of links from around the world - and moments of human grace.
~ On Friday, Steyn weighed in on a lost West and what comes next...
~ Mark Steyn On the Town returned on Saturday to Serenade Radio. In case you missed it, the replay is available for club members here.
On this week's edition we have a cavalcade of Non-Stop Number Ones, some wild, some mellow, after which we take tea with lyricist Irving Caesar, and enjoy Frank Sinatra getting his Irish up.
~ Later Rick McGinnis reviewed Budd Boetticher's Decision at Sundown (1957).
~ As to the aforementioned Tales for Our Time...we invite Mark Steyn Club members to catch up with Part One and Part Two of Mark's brilliant narration. A new episode of "The Girl on the Boat" by P G Wodehouse airs this evening at SteynOnline.
A new week begins later today with Steyn's Song of the Week at Serenade Radio at 5:30pm UK time/ 1:30pm North American Eastern.
To help keep us going during this unending battle for free speech, please consider a club membership for yourself or a friend. Please also check out our various free speech related merchandise and gift certificates available in the Steyn Store.
Oh, and don't forget that upcoming cruise in April. The ship is almost sold out so please act now if you would like to join Mark and his special guests in Spain and Portugal aboard the beautiful Celebrity Apex.