On March 12, 2025 at 2:56 pm, Steve from Manhattan wrote:
Mark, On October 22, 2012–a date that we in the Montenegrin brigand community think should live in infamy—Doctor Professor Michael E. Mann, PhD., filed his defamation-of-a-Nobel-Prize-winner lawsuit against you and other defendants. That was 4,524 days ago. If I round up to the nearest penny, and I disregard (as I am sure Doctor Professor Mann will do) the million or so that Dr. Mann will owe to other parties in the case for legal fees, that yields Dr. Mann $1.33 per day for his efforts. My question: Do you think there has ever been a day in the last 12 years and 3 months when Dr. Mann produced or created something worth a buck thirty-three?
On March 12, 2025 at 2:56 pm, Lenny Cooperman wrote:
Hi Mark, congratulations on the good news from the DC superior court. My question pertains to the back and forth currently taking place between the USA and Canada. What are your views on the appropriateness and likelihood of our two countries becoming one, and who do you think should absorb whom?
On March 12, 2025 at 2:56 pm, richard borzychowski wrote:
Greetings and salutations from the not yet 51st state of America. As expected, the WEF,UN and three passport carrying elitist Mark Carney won the Liberal party's nomination. What is absolutely unbelievable is that all 338 federal ridings had the same margin of victory, no matter the geography, population or demography. Even in the other candidates home ridings...for a man no one heard of a month ago. Hmm! Is it time to find that last photo copier and hide it in the woods?
On March 12, 2025 at 2:56 pm, Doug Cole wrote:
Hi Mark. In all the fuss about Mr. Carney becoming Canada's the next Justin Castro, where do you suppose this leaves the opposition leader Poilievre? It seems he was gaining ground in Canada with his common sense approach - at least until Canadians decided they like being leftist putzes in opposition to Trump. What is your take on all this?
Doug Cole
On March 12, 2025 at 3:01 pm, Stuart Allan wrote:
Observing Donald Trump's energy and focus in trying to address the so many overdue issues. Trying to stop illegal mass migration, trying to stop the billions being spent on net-zero nonsense, addressing wasteful federal spending, stopping dreadful transgender operations on the young, banning men from competing in women's sports etc. who in your opinion, if anyone, could be a uk trump? I don't see the reform party supplying one (especially as it appears to be disintegrating). Certainly not ("it's my party" ) mr. farage who would only turn out (is turning out) to be a bit like Boris i.e. talk a good game (or write if Boris), but fold when push comes to shove.
Wishing you all the best
On March 12, 2025 at 3:02 pm, Tom Gelsinon wrote:
Do you think that Farage's biggest fault is that he, like the traditional Republicans in the U.S., never finds himself on a hill that he's willing to die on? (i.e. grooming gangs, terror attacks, heavy handed government censorship). Seems that a party, a TV station, or a country for that matter, eventually does die on one of those hills - by suicide.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:02 pm, Kiwi Gav in London wrote:
Mark, hope you are well. You've certainly sounded in better health and higher spirits in the last few weeks.
The Farage v Lowe spat sounds messy, but may be a necessary mess. You've rightly been critical of Nigel's over gatekeeping - but he does get voters out. Does Rupert Lowe really have the pulling power to bring change to UK politics or is the flimsy pack of Reform cards about to fall - and then what are we left with?
All the best.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:03 pm, Alison Castellina wrote:
Today Nigel Farage has said there is no way back for Rupert Lowe into the Reform Party on account of his robustness over 'Rotherham'. Has Nigel completely lost his political instincts? Is there any rational explanation for such a statement when Reform had previously strongly supported an inquiry (at least in public)?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:04 pm, Chris Davies wrote:
I hope you are well and looking forward to the upcoming Mark Steyn Cruise.
Is it fair to say without equivocation that Nigel Farage has picked on the wrong puppy with Rupert Lowe? I believe in Lowe, the biter is bit.
I've never believed that Nigel is really a man of the right as he appears to be by instinct a social libertarian and as we all know it would be impossible to have "mass" deportations even if it was in the national interest.
You have often described him as a gatekeeper which is fair but is he remotely conservative?
Keep well Mark.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:06 pm, Michael Cavino wrote:
Hi Mark,
Did you see the news last week that the Broccoli family sold over their rights to the 007 franchise to Amazon (owner of MGM Studios)? How soon before Amazon destroys the Bond franchise as Disney did with Star Wars?
I am kind surprised the Broccoli family sold out but I guess the big buck from Bezos was just too much. Let's just say, I am shaken and stirred from this development. Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for taking questions.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:09 pm, Jeff Estes wrote:
Hello Mark,
The UK, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and France are rapidly becoming islam-centric thru large demographic shifts. Trump is preparing to ease the US out of NATO, but what of the nuclear weapons in French and Uk inventories? Can you see a scenario where the US secures their weaponry before an islamist coup?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:10 pm, the not so gay Hussar wrote:
Hi, new member here. Not interested in Trump, tarries or whose 2 points ahead in Iowa. Looking to find out why the lyrics to Follow me on the Sinatra Ellington album were rewritten and who did them. They're even more senseless and obscure than the original in Camelot. Can't imagine that Lerneor wrote those droopy hippy lyrics. Can you enlighten me?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:12 pm, David Coats wrote:
It was reported this morning that Mahmoud Khalil, the Hamas-supporting green-card holding Columbia masters grad who is being detained by DHS, held a security clearance from the British Government. Do you think this is additional evidence that the globalists in the UK gov't are directly meddling in US politics, or is this just an irrelevant detail in regards to Khalil's activities?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:15 pm, Heather wrote:
Hi Mark! What are your thoughts on Trump threatening to primary Massie?? (Aside from the arguments on either side of the funding bill, I think comparing Massie to that absolute clown Liz Cheney is absurd.)
On March 12, 2025 at 3:15 pm, Paul Smith wrote:
The Stalinist government in the destroyed and soon to be Sharia run UK, are said to be disappointed that Mr. Trump is imposing tariffs on steel from the start of April yet no mention of how their own net zero subsidies to line their mates' pockets which are far in excess of the tariffs, have already resulted in the shutting down of the virgin steel industry. The utter hypocrisy of these morons is infuriating at the very least.
These are the same war mongering parasites that have urged a million deaths to happen on the killing fields of Ukraine without any intention of sending in troops to confront Russia yet turn on Trump when he actually pushes for the slaughter to stop. It's amazing how the prospect of losing a nice little earner can show people in their true light and the once anti war leftist elements who fought for the end of the Vietnam folly are now the pushers of war. Oh, the irony.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:16 pm, Joel D in Failed State of California wrote:
Hi Mark -
Does this mean I am free to give a look of displeasure if I see Michael Mann standing next to me assessing which Fancy Feast to buy at Wegmann's?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:16 pm, Keith Marsden wrote:
Mark how nice to hear you so happy you so deserve the chance to crow a bit. I think I am as pleased as you. Good luck the cruise should be more frivolous
On March 12, 2025 at 3:17 pm, Eric Dale wrote:
How much value has $1.33 lost in the time he filed the lawsuit until now?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:17 pm, Eric Dale wrote:
Mark, any suggestions on how Mann can spend that $5,000.00 of yours? My suggestion is a fixer up Suburu. Mr. Mann could use a hands on hobby. Vehicle repair is a fine hobby.
On the other side of the world, do you think that a mineral deal with Ukraine is worth it? Does Ukraine even actually have these rare Earth deposits in the costs of trillions of dollars? I remember stories of lithium being found in Afghanistan but nothing ever came of it. Is this just a ruse to keep the west involved?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:17 pm, Queen of the Jungle wrote:
Congratulations Mark- always great to hear about some wins for our side.
Here's my question for today on the topic of free speech or the lack thereof:
According to recent articles I've read in the UK press, it seems that there will be a 'banter ban' for pubs in the UK if the Employment Rights Bill is passed.
So the customers and barkeepers won't be able to tell risqué jokes or express opinions that may be offensive to staff or those with "protected" characteristics. I can only imagine what fresh new hell it will be if it goes through.
Given the state of affairs in the once Great Britain, do you think this will come to pass?
As always, many thinks for all that you are doing to save Western Civ.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:24 pm, eaglepatriotminuteman1776 wrote:
Dear Mr. Steyn,
If you were Putin, would you accept a ceasefire? I wouldn't. The Ukrainian government has shown itself to be untrustworthy, as it has negotiated in bad faith before. Russia should launch decapitation strikes, destroy logistical infrastructure, and maximize Ukrainian military casualties to fullest extent possible. In short, they should be fighting to win instead of doing the bollocks American war thing where you sit in a country for 20 years and expend ordinance.
- William from Kiev
On March 12, 2025 at 3:28 pm, George Pazin wrote:
Hi Mark -
What is the way forward, when we can not agree on what the facts of life are? And I don't mean facts of life in the American reproductive sense, I just mean, the facts of our current situation.
This past weekend, I was lucky enough to spend time with some college friends, and we have such different life experiences that I feel like we are not living in the same world. They are panicked over the recent change, think we've lost democracy, while I feel like we've been losing democracy for a long time and only recently took the tiniest of steps back toward sanity.
How can we reconcile such diametrically opposed world views?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:29 pm, Norman Fenton wrote:
Mark: what's your view on 'conservative' influencers like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens now regularly hosting antisemites and anti-Israel propagandists without either directly challenging them of ever having on people who can challenge their lies? Seems like a coordinated campaign and plenty of decent, but generally uninformed, people are falling for and spreading the "it's all the fault of the Jews/Zionists" conspiracy theories they are promoting. Also why do you think that these influencers never talk about the actual deadly impact of the Islamists and regimes like Qatar and the Islamic Republic of Iran
On March 12, 2025 at 3:30 pm, Teresa Maupin wrote:
Christia Freeland's son's Godfather is Mark Carney?!! This gives reinforced meaning to the exclamation phrase "good god!" As Mark states, "... if you're wondering how cosy the globalist leadership class is, well, it's like dynastic marriages in mediaeval Europe." At least the Middle Ages were transparent. In our enlightened modern times, the threads between the global elite are so tight (and unreported) it could create a hard ball.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:33 pm, George Pereira wrote:
One of the most insightful of Elon Musk's comments was that although President Donald J Trump! and his minions were now the captains of the ship of state they still had to deal with a spiteful crew that hates and opposes all of them.
You can't hate government employees enough.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:35 pm, The Notorious Mr. J wrote:
What's the secret behind the Trump method? Quite possibly he shouldn't be called Orange Man but rather Green Man. David Banner suddenly turning without warning into the Incredible Hulk. The erratic back and forth of his daily policies seems like that. This sort of shock and awe can only work some of the time at best, and people will soon tire of it. And boy, it's sure working wonders on the American economy.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:37 pm, Frank Gallenstein wrote:
Hi Mark,
Have you met Trump? I hope he knows you are one of the first to support him and approve of his policies. I know of no one who has articulated and predicted the demographic issues we face better than you. He must know about you from your many appearance on Rush as the undocumented guest host, and by far the most popular guest host. He needs you as his Canadian consultant, and he should make it official. Maybe he would allow you to come up with a title. That would be grand.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:41 pm, Scott Schertzer wrote:
Dear Mark:
What has happened in the world that the only true conservative politician in the Western world is a man from New York City who was a Democrat until five minutes ago? Why do any European political parties still have Tory or Conservative in their names?
I like that Donald Trump is at least attempting to do the things he campaigned on, but as in his first administration the judiciary is doing its best to stifle him. I expect the lower federal courts to be an obstacle, but my fear is that when these cases eventually make their way to the Supreme Court that John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett will join with the three lefties and Trump's hands will be tied. If that turns out to be the case, do you think he has the intestinal fortitude to tell the court to go pound sand?
Scott Schertzer
Miami Beach
On March 12, 2025 at 3:44 pm, Keith Marsden wrote:
I see Rupert Lowe is promising to fund the inquiry into the grooming gangs while Nigel Farage is refusing to do anything about it now. Mark can you ever imagine anything ever being done?. All anyone has to do is ask Maggie Oliver and things would soon be sorted. It seems my country has become the sewer of the world and there is nothing we are allowed to do about it. Mark please have another rant it just gives us hope.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:47 pm, Toby Pilling wrote:
Do we really need to worry about whether Nigel is nice and clubbable? I'd vote for Vlad the Impaler if he could stop the small boats.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:50 pm, Mark Lipniacki wrote:
Greetings Mark
JB Priestley wrote an allegorical story called The Grey Ones about an "Evil Principle" dedicated to destroyin
"The Soul of Humanity".
Is there anyone greyer than our namesake - soon to be PM?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:52 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
At risk of boring all non Canadians a propos of Carney's knowledge of people's financial difficulties in Canada, did you sit look enough in the French debate to hear him admit he didn't know how much a Quebec family of four pay for groceries each week?
On March 12, 2025 at 3:55 pm, A Clockwork Cabbage wrote:
News flash from Times Radio video site- America is re-instating its military aid to the Ukraine, at least the intel cooperation. Welcome if true, but the flipflopping does not enhance the Donald's credibility. Erratic behavior by the most powerful ruler in the World does not inspire confidence.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:56 pm, Nigel Sherratt wrote:
Link to Maiden.Mother.Matriarch (social disintegration) is essential listening The rural/urban relative advantage is encouraging when looking at Bradford and Birmingham but less so when looking at where my grandchildren are.
Kent's USP has been feeding London for centuries so we're fairly hip to that idea already.
~~Meant to note the brilliance of the (Donald, where's your troosers?) pun too.
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
On March 12, 2025 at 3:57 pm, George Pereira wrote:
One of the words not used to describe the federal work force (work Force! I made a little joke.) is arrogant.
The definition:
1) exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.
2) showing an offensive attitude of superiority
3) acting as if they are more important than other people, i.e. you!
4) behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others
If you have ever had the misfortune to have to deal with someone, anyone from any government you know the attitude.
On March 12, 2025 at 3:58 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
Speaking of non democracy the vote for
the Liberal leadership in Canada seems to be statistically improbable according to Ezra Levant and Rebel News. Two of the other candidates had only around 200 votes out of 100,000 eligible in their home ridings where they were bound to have more votes than that. Also Carney's totals across Canada are absurdly similar for much different provinces.
And the Party at the last minute deemed ineligible to vote hundreds of people who signed up to the Liberal Party to vote.
Probably Mark Carney would have been elected anyway given the advisors of Trudeau pushing for him but still this process of choosing the prime minister of Canada stinks without even the craziness of letting fourteen years old become members of the Party and vote.
On March 12, 2025 at 4:02 pm, Fufa wrote:
Mann is the ultimate schoolyard bully. He uses the money in his pocket as adult to continue his sick nature of abused child. May warts consume him.
Best to you, Mark. Enjoy your glorious win over this Mann creep.