Hello once again and welcome to this week's edition of Laura's Links. The first order of business is some good news: YAY MARK! This saga is far from over, but at least there is a modicum of good news on the lawfare front.
It's a rainy evening here in southern Ontario and I am trying to inoculate myself against the barrage of news stories emanating, with a horrific stench, from Canadian politicians of all stripes. I think we have a batch of some of the stupidest people in this country in our politics right now. I really am not sure who these idiot poseurs, at all three levels of government, are performing for, but they seem to be too imbecilic to understand that America is still king of the global road.
The current crop of grifting losers, whose collective brain appears to be smaller than a gnat's gonad is declaring war! How so? Well, by taking American booze off the shelves at our provincially regulated alcohol stores! But wait, there is a small wrench in this devastating war plan. The merchandise has already been paid for so please tell me how that hurts America, I'll wait.
Doug Ford, the blockhead premier of Ontario who nearly destroyed us all during Covid, is threatening to cut off electricity to American states. That's a fabulous plan, isn't it? Him and other semi-functional Canadians have lately been surrounding themselves with uber goobers wearing t-shirts that say "Canada Is Not For Sale" but on the rotund bellies and manboobs of these beta males, it just looks like it says "Canada-Snot For Sale". This country is full of snot, and has gone to hell in a handbasket. I also don't think Pierre Pollievre is handling President Trump well at all. It's amateur hour and it's pretty pathetic.
OK the Canadian content part of this column is done!
Earlier in the week, I read about how released hostage Eli Sharabi was invited to the White House by President Trump.
I have said on other occasions that I try to somewhat shield myself from watching too much about the hostages, or about those who were murdered on October 7 because sometimes it just overwhelms me and I do not want to give in to despair. But at the same time, it is really important to continue to choose to consciously and mindfully remember the events, and understand what this evil really is. It is important to understand that it's not "just" about the Jews and that it is not about a piece of land. There is a religious war going on, whether you like that phrase or not, whether you are religious or not and whether you care about it or not. I would urge you to watch this entire episode of the Israeli television show "Uvda" (Hebrew for fact) in which Israeli journalist Ilana Dayan interviews Eli Sharabi.
There's also a lot of news starting to come out of Israel about the failures of the army and intelligence services, but don't worry, the current head of the GSS (General Security Service) has investigated himself and exonerated himself and (surprise) blamed the failings on the political leadership i.e. Netanyahu, who incidentally was not informed about threats that did not fit into the security "conception" (i.e. that Hamas was satisfied with detente, was actually focusing on economic prosperity and management of Gaza and was deterred).
The GSS did not inform Prime Minister Netanyahu right away that the assault had started in the wee hours of the morning of October 7. So, nothing to see here. Ronen Bar is a failure, who knows how he screwed up the hostage negotiations and now is insisting that as a condition of leaving his position, he – not the Prime Minister – gets to appoint his successor – someone hand picked by him. Nothing to see here either.
The deep state in America tried to take out President Trump and almost succeeded but for the grace of G-d and about a millimeter. The deep state in Israel is equally pathological and we are just starting to get dribs and drabs of the story.
I do think a lot about my place in the world, my place and mission in the world as a Jewish person and the long history of antisemitism that has followed my people wherever we go. I saw this clip from Melanie Phillips and I think she is definitely onto something when she describes feral humans scratching off posters of kidnapped Jewish babies and what it really means about the scratching savages. I think President Trump understands what this is all about.
Another short nugget! Here is a very good question posed by Neil Oliver.
Lastly, I spotted on X someone who started a women's Torah learning circle in memory/honour of Shiri Bibas and her children. The first one was quite good, and I even spotted our very own friend Ann McElhinney at the first one – she was a guest speaker. You don't have to be Jewish to join in, and if you would like to learn Torah with us, the post and sign up is here.
Sometimes you may feel that your prayers are not being answered, and that may or may not be the case. But it is important to consider the way you use your words on a daily basis (Judaism has many laws concerning proper speech, and the evil of gossip). It could be that the mouth and phrases that you use to speak to G-d when you pray are in conflict with the same mouth and speech you use for other reasons. We need to be mindful of the way we speak, how we speak and what we speak about. Anyway, if you are inclined, see you there.
That's it for now.
Take care of yourselves and see you in the comments.
North America:
Black X understands the Trump-Zelenskyyyyyy tango better than anyone else (NSFW language alert). I almost peed my pants laughing.
Shocker. Not.
Why are liberal women so unhappy?
The great Barbara Kay: the rise of the antisemitic psychologists.
Jews and Israel:
The Great Walkbackening:
"The refusal to take in Palestinian prisoners probably arises from the fact that these countries actually do not care about the Palestinians and even consider them an ungrateful people and troublemakers.
Pray for the Christans of the Middle East
The Formerly Great Britain:
This is a massive, 'screw you' to all the normal people left in the UK who actually object to rape gangs and grooming. I think we all know exactly what Rochdale "culture" is. This is not an accident, it's pure, evil salt in your open wounds.
This is literally my new favourite insult: UNFLUSHABLE. Behold, from The Conservative Woman: "The Unflushable Boris Johnson".
Turning into? Ha ha. It's been like that for quite a while.
Zelenskyyyyyyy's Massive Blunder
The Trump Vance Doctrine: A Monumental Shift
Wokestapo 'N' Trans:
We must never EVER EVER EVER forget the cruelty of wokeness.
Human Grace:
"We finally got Dorothy Jean in my chair.
It's open thread time! Log into SteynOnline and let Laura know what you think of these stories or other happenings from week that was. Commenting privileges are among the many perks of membership in The Mark Steyn Club. While going off topic is permitted on Laura's Links, do stick to the other rules as you engage: no URLs, no profanity, and no ad hominem attacks.