Programming note: Join me tomorrow, Saturday, for another edition of my Serenade Radio show, Mark Steyn on the Town. This week's episode includes the sesquicentennial of Bizet's Carmen, Australians at the Oscars, a global blockbuster, and the ninetieth anniversary of the Academy Award for Best Song. The fun starts at 5pm Greenwich Mean Time - which is 6pm in Western Europe/12 midday North American Eastern. You can listen from almost anywhere on the planet by clicking the button at top right here.
~A week from today we'll begin a brand new full-length audio adventure in our series Tales for Our Time - our sixty-ninth tale at that, which is quite something. For this Friday, however, in view of the winter chill about to descend on my corner of northern New England this weekend, I thought we'd reprise a bit of exceptionally frosty fiction from Jack London that also happens to be one of the greatest and yet simplest tales in all of literature. And, aside from anything else, after last month's deep freeze across the fruited plain, it will strike a chord more widely than it might otherwise have done.
To Build a Fire first aired at SteynOnline seven years ago. On the coldest day of that winter I chanced to stop at a local diner and overheard two hipster doofuses (I generalise for the purpose of cheap scoffing), from Dartmouth or the University of Vermont or some such, heading up to the Quebec border to hike. And, after an observation on the temperature and the windchill, one of them brought up this famous Jack London story, and the other said yeah, they'd had to do it in school, and they remembered the essentials of the pared down plot - a man and a dog heading up the Yukon Trail on a cold day to meet up with the boys - and then one said, amazingly, "Yeah, I can't remember how it ends." "Me neither."
So this weekend's story is especially dedicated to those guys, assuming they didn't die of hypothermia somewhere up around Jay or Magog two days later. I've broken "To Build a Fire" into a two-part tale with a cliffhanger intermission, so we'll enjoy the first episode tonight and wrap it up tomorrow. I'll be reading the text as published by Jack London in 1908, but, as I note in my audio introduction, there was an earlier version, from a boys' periodical called The Youth's Companion in 1902. Here's how London opened that first bite at the cherry:
For land travel or seafaring, the world over, a companion is usually considered desirable. In the Klondike, as Tom Vincent found out, such a companion is absolutely essential. But he found it out, not by precept, but through bitter experience. 'Never travel alone,' is a precept of the north. He had heard it many times and laughed; for he was a strapping young fellow, big-boned and big-muscled, with faith in himself and in the strength of his head and hands.
That's all true, but also a bit crudely explanatory. Six years later, he had learned the virtues of showing, not telling. And so the 1908 version begins:
Day had broken cold and gray, exceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside from the main Yukon trail and climbed the high earth-bank, where a dim and little traveled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland. It was a steep bank, and he paused for breath at the top, excusing the act to himself by looking at his watch. It was nine o'clock. There was no sun nor hint of sun, though there was not a cloud in the sky. It was a clear day, and yet there seemed an intangible pall over the face of things, a subtle gloom that made the day dark, and that was due to the absence of sun. This fact did not worry the man. He was used to the lack of sun. It had been days since he had seen the sun, and he knew that a few more days must pass before that cheerful orb, due south, would just peep above the sky-line and dip immediately from view.
...which introduces us to the other character in the story: the land. And what follows is a kind of dialogue between these two characters: a man and a cruel climate. I hope you'll enjoy this serialisation, either episodically as a book at bedtime twenty minutes before you lower your lamp over the next two nights - or as one binge blowout to listen to on a longish car journey come Sunday. I always liked reading stories, and I did do a little of it professionally a zillion years ago. So, if these fancies tickle you, we may release them as audio books on CD or Audible a ways down the road. But for the moment it's an exclusive bonus for Mark Steyn Club members. To hear Part One of To Build a Fire, prefaced by my own introduction to the story, please click here and log-in.
~Thank you for your various comments about our last full-length Tale, Robert Hugh Benson's highly prescient Lord of the World. Steve, a First Month Founding Member of The Mark Steyn Club, writes:
Thank you Mark. Brilliant to the end.
Fran Lavery, a First Weekend Founding Member, agrees:
We won't get a more powerful conclusion than this, will we? Bravo, Mark! Wonderful!!
Joe Cressotti, a First Week Founding Member, says:
Thanks, Mark, for a great reading of a great book.
Larry Durham, a South Carolina Steyn Clubber, could use a palate cleanser:
We made it! As usual, great rendition by Mr Steyn - I had hoped that looking up the flurry of Latin phrases might help clear up the ending a bit - it did but, only barely. Nevertheless, though from a non Catholic perspective, I do appreciate the power of this tale. To shake off the fog of it (and in anticipation of the next TFOT), I think I'll binge listen The Prisoner of Windsor and/or Psmith, Journalist to reorient my mind to the graft and corruption of the world we know so well. I need a chuckle, stat!
Fraser Sutherland is a more recent addition to our ranks:
Well, that was the first time I have ever listened to an audio book and all I can say is this: 'Damn fine'. The whole thing, for this ignoramus, was totally compelling; for Steyn's reading, for the intellectual content of Benson's work and its remarkable prescience and, though I can't claim to have understood everything, it was so enjoyable that I have returned to the beginning. As I said 'Damn fine'. Roll on the next Tale of our Time.
On the other hand, from Veronica in Auckland:
Anything, including Das Kapital in the original German, would be preferable to Lord of the World. Sorry!
Das Kapital in the original German starts next Friday, Veronica. Don't miss it!
~As I've emphasised since we launched The Mark Steyn Club almost eight years ago, our regular content will always be free to everyone around the planet, but we are admitting Club members to a few experimental features which, in the event that they're sufficiently non-incompetent, we may eventually make more widely available. Tales for Our Time is our series of monthly audio adventures. So far we've presented radio serialisations of classic fiction by Conan Doyle, H G Wells, P G Wodehouse, Conrad, Kipling, Dickens, Jane Austen, Anthony Hope, Scott Fitzgerald - plus a piece of non-classic fiction by yours truly. You can find them all here.
We opened The Mark Steyn Club in 2017, and I'm very touched by all those SteynOnline supporters across the globe - from Fargo to Fiji, Vancouver to Vanuatu, Cook County to the Cook Islands - who've signed up to be a part of it. As I said at the time, membership isn't for everyone, but it is a way of ensuring that all our content remains available for everyone - all my columns, audio interviews, video content, all our movie features and songs of the week. None of it's going behind a paywall, because I want it out there in the world, being read and being heard and being viewed, and maybe changing an occasional mind somewhere along the way.
If you've enjoyed our monthly Steyn Club serials and you're looking for a present for a fellow fan of classic fiction, I hope you'll consider our Club Gift Membership. Aside from Tales for Our Time, The Mark Steyn Club does come with other benefits:
~Exclusive Steyn Store member pricing on over 40 books, mugs, T-shirts, and other products;
~The opportunity to engage in live Clubland Q&A sessions with yours truly (such as this coming Wednesday's);
~Transcript and audio versions of The Mark Steyn Show, SteynPosts, and our other video content;
~Our video series of classic poetry;
~Advance booking for my live appearances around the world, assuming I'm ever again well enough to make any;
~Customised email alerts for new content in your areas of interest;
~and the chance to support our print, audio and video ventures as they wing their way around the planet.
To become a member of The Mark Steyn Club, please click here - and don't forget that special Gift Membership.
One other benefit to membership is our Comment Club privileges. So, if you like or dislike this Tale for Our Time, or consider my reading of it frosts up the joint like February in the Yukon, then feel free to comment away below. And do join us tomorrow for Part Two of To Build a Fire.