On February 26, 2025 at 2:57 pm, Kenneth Tacoma wrote:
Good Day, Mark,
This is my first communication as a member, having finally left the life of the liberal freeloader out of guilt for all I was taking from you without contribution.
So, I remember with interest the debate between William F. Buckley, Jr. and Ronald Reagan regarding returning sovereignty over the Canal Zone to Panama back in 1978, which tells you something about my age. It was an American moment not on the par with the Lincoln-Douglas debates, but certainly at a level of intellectual significance. It appears through the long lens of history Reagan's concerns have played out as he presciently feared, and now it will be up to Trump to try to clean up the mess.
But the reason I raise this is in conjunction with the current situation with Europe and NATO. I would love to see/hear an intelligent debate between fair-minded and informed people regarding whether it is in the national interest of the US to stay in NATO. My less-than-well-informed view is that we are way overdue in getting out. Let Europe sink, if it must, since it is so degraded anyway. I look around my house, and don't see a single product made in England, France or Germany, so trade can't justify the billions we send to prop them up. I'm kind of sick of the view that they have a cultural superiority. I think in the age of inter-continental missiles, the American defense argument doesn't go very far. But I would like to hear it out. BTW, which side would you take on: Resolved: It is in the national interest of the United States to withdraw from NATO?
On February 26, 2025 at 2:58 pm, Robert Bridges wrote:
Getting out of a bad personal relationship isn't "isolationism". Neither is the US letting Europe be itself and stepping back from a relationship soured by Europe (again and again). Some things run their course and need not continue. Trying to make NATO the equivalent of March For Dimes after the childhood diseases were successfully thwarted. It's more like 107 years rather than 80 ...but forgetting that Thomas Jefferson warned the US to stay out of European intrigue. Saving Europe from itself now is far different than past conflicts. The first imperative of a lifeguard is to not get drowned. Your thoughts?
On February 26, 2025 at 2:59 pm, Queen of the Jungle wrote:
Dear Mark,
Greetings from the belly of the Beast aka Nueva York. Hope you are well, abundant and prospering.
I just watched a press conference wherein former Canadian official/ moonbat Chrystia Freeland explained how she is planning to bring together a NUCLEAR armed international alliance to fight President Trump.
Apparently she is trying to set up some kind of coalition with NATO countries to wage war on our President.
Given your vast experience in these matters, please tell us: should we be worried?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:01 pm, Chris Hall wrote:
The European globalists have become remarkably provincial. How did they get to be so arrogantly ignorant?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:02 pm, Fred Jones wrote:
....With European governing elites and coalitions continuing to ignore the peoples' call for sane immigration enforcement and the freedom to express their thoughts in the 21st century town fora (social media platforms and even their living room windows that happen to be within sight of an abortion clinic), what do you predict will happen in Europe?
Will the people revolt en masse (a la the French Revolution...) or assume the sheep-like position and shrug-off civic pride and participation altogether into a gentle descent into global oblivion? ... or ... is there a middle ground I'm missing? ;)
Regardless, I've never been more proud to be an American (back to our vaulted "Alone" status)
On February 26, 2025 at 3:04 pm, John Frey wrote:
.... Four more years seems a very short time to undo the damage of decades of neglect and active tearing-down of "Western civilization." Assuming the "Trump 2.0" movement can carry the next two presidential elections, I am cautiously optimistic that some Western citizens will express an increased confidence in the future by an increasing birth-rate. I may not live to see it, but I'd like my grandchildren to enjoy the benefits I've had living in the U.S.A. Your thoughts, Mark?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:05 pm, Chris Davies wrote:
I hope you are well.
It would be easy to drown in the depths of despair as the acceleration of Western decline continues unabated.
Whilst Trump is getting almost everything right (aside from inexplicably sharing air with Bill Gates), the UK is now a free speech wasteland and despite the increase in vote share for the AfD in Germany, they have just become the latest country to spurn the opportunity to slow the rate of terrorist atrocities and rape gangs marauding through their cantons.
Channeling your inner Rush, unless I'm very much mistaken, it's time isn't it?
Keep well Mark.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:08 pm, Hart Leonard wrote:
I have been amazed at the miraculous efforts and results of Trump and his team in little more than five weeks in office.....truly stunning to observe. And yet, I must say that there are certain bits and pieces emerging from the Administration that are concerning.,,,
My latest concern is the proposition of a $5 million "gold card" - a path to citizenship that's being sold as a way to reduce the debt. While our national debt is surely a huge problem for our country's survival, is this the way to do it.... selling citizenships to people who don't give a flip about this country except for the money they can make here?
Didn't we already do this with Mr. Soros....or am I mistaken? Maybe the way to view it is that the overall positives outweigh the negatives....so far. But I strongly disagree with the President on this. Hope you are staying well.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:11 pm, Janet H wrote:
Dear Mark,
I've so enjoyed being a Steyn Club member and receiving your frequent words of wisdom. I had no idea what I was missing before I subscribed!
Over the years, as I've "listened" to you on radio, television, or in print, I've sometimes thought of you as being a pessimist. However, a still, small voice has always told me that you're a realist. History would probably say the same. Your realistic takes about the fate of Christendom are sobering, if not frightening and sad.
That said, what is your realistic view of our fate in America? After the hell of the Biden years, I find myself swinging back and forth between elation at what Trump is attempting and the speed with which it is happening, and despair that it's all futile given the treachery of the tyrants in robes, the fecklessness of Congress, and the breadth and depth of the woke mental illness permeating our society.
Thank you for your enormous contribution of wit, wisdom, and clarity to those of us who love human freedom and dignity and who prize societies based on Judeo-Christian values. I pray for your health and well-being, and look forward to even more of your commentary on societal upheaval. I really do miss the musical interludes, though.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:11 pm, Larry Davis wrote:
Hi Mark , Do you think there is any gold in Fort Knox ? One month ago that was a ridiculous question. Now after all the exposed fraud and corruption maybe not. What do you think?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:13 pm, Every Man Jack of Us wrote:
All this talk of Western collapse is worrying, but is it premature? I think it was Adam Smith that commented on the fact that "there is a great deal of ruin in a nation", meaning I think that a strong state can take a lot of screw-ups from its elites before it buckles. The West may have a lot of resilience left, and the follies that trouble it now could end up being mere transient nuisances and fads. I'm old enough to remember the Hippie "movement" and how many talking heads were proclaiming it the wave of the Future, when in point of fact it was a transient fancy that went POOF! after a few years. The adversaries of the Western World pay us tribute by envying us and secretly aspiring to be like us, never forget that.
The Gold Standard for all is still that mean old Western Civ.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:14 pm, Alison Castellina wrote:
'The boys in blue' of Greater Manchester Police Force visited a grandmother interested in her local Stockport democracy this week. She had merely demanded that a local Labour councillor should resign in a couple of her online posts. How surprising is it that it was Theresa May who introduced 'non-crime hate incidents', apparently to limit the online intimidation of (female) politicians and that, in practice, it is sixty five ordinary people (many of whom are women) who are being clobbered/intimidated every day for their online posts? Do you think the supposedly conservative and blessed Theresa, feels any doubt or contrition over this? (By the way, Allison Pearson claims that 'they' are seeking to rename the 'hate speech' concept but not abolish it).
On February 26, 2025 at 3:15 pm, Wayne Cunnington wrote:
... I'm deeply jealous of the massive transformation coming America's way under Trump but what do you think the chances of Starmer being detained whilst visiting Trump/Vance this week as for being harmful to the 'relationship' we have with his U.K. tinpot dictatorship?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:18 pm, Eric Dale wrote:
Mark, and fellow Club members, what are your thoughts on the recent shake up at MSNBC? Much of the right online is taking great pleasure at the downfall of Joy Reid. Should we be so happy about her literal cancelation? Personally, I think we're better off with the left having a Joy Reid being the public face of leftism. Won't the right actually be worse off if she's replaced by a more effective and likable personality?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:19 pm, Patrick Geagan wrote:
Hello Mark, hope you're doing well today?
Andrew Neil's comment of President Trump turning his back on Europe kind of bothered me.
Do people in Europe see Americans as turning our backs on them?
Shouldn't these people follow Trumps lead in taking the sovereignty of their nations back from those who are destroying their lives?
Am I wrong? Your thoughts on Mr. Neil's comment is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:21 pm, Scott Schertzer wrote:
Dear Mark:
It seems as though history shows us that there is no form of government that lasts forever. Monarchies, oligarchies and aristocracies have come and gone, and democracy was supposed to be the terminus of that arc of history we hear so much about. Although throughout the West democracy is proving anything but. For the past century it has been bureaucracies that have been calling the shots, and the voice of the people has been muted.
With the election of Donald Trump, I'm not sure if we are witnessing a rebirth of democracy or some new form of government. With what has transpired these past six weeks the president is showing that there might no longer be a need for the legislative and judicial branches of the federal government.as they act mainly as an impediment to change. Lately I've come to believe that the form of government any nation has is less important than the people in charge of it. Do you think we've passed the point where democracy, or a constitutional republic, is capable of leading the West out of its funk, or will it take strong men such as Donald Trump to lead us out of our morass?
Take good care and be in good spirits for the April cruise.
Scott Schertzer
Miami Beach
On February 26, 2025 at 3:23 pm, MMF wrote:
Some pundits have pointed out that these firings at MSNBC, CNN, and elsewhere are coming after the USAID and other gov't contracts are being cancelled by DOGE, so there was a salary pipeline somewhere. Bets on whether or not Michael Mann's bottomless lawyer fund has suddenly dried up? In other words, some global warming "study" by the Democracy Institute for Global Ecological Justice or some such rot is the source of all those millions.
Praying for better health for you, Mark.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:24 pm, Stefan Bucek wrote:
Mark, may the Lord grant you health and strength. In my recent visits to medical offices, I have been refusing any COVID booster shots, telling them that studies have shown that taking repeated boosters seems to hasten death. I assert such because of your work. There is much talk now about the Pfizer vaccine's adverse effects. What are your thoughts?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:25 pm, eaglepatriotminuteman1776 wrote:
Dear Mark,
I have come to the conclusion that there are certain groups of people who should never have freedom and instead need a larger and more powerful group of people to dominate and control them for the general good.
Ukraine has no business existing because Ukrainians do not want to do any of the things to make themselves a sovereign nations. Instead, they want to be dependent on other countries and have them carry their kit.
While I was living there no Ukrainian ever expressed any interest in doing the things necessary to make themselves country self sufficient. Instead, they just wanted America and NATO to do everything for them. They imagined America and its technology had magical powers that would defeat Russia.
Zelenskiy's rhetoric about what America needs to do for Ukraine is something I've heard time and again from ordinary people on the street countless times.
This pseudo-state's desire to trade 300 years of rule by St. Petersburg and Moscow for another 300 years of rule by Brussels and Washington have us on the edge of nuclear annihilation. For the good of everyone else, Ukraine - this spoiled bastard state - should be partitioned between Russia and Poland permanently.
Your thoughts Mark?
- William Fleishman
On February 26, 2025 at 3:26 pm, OLGA from Arizona wrote:
Greetings, Mr. Steyn,
It's making me crazy that everyone is saying
the "conservatives" won German elections.
The closest Germany has to anything conservative
is AfD, which may be populist, but is a far cry from
anything actually conservative.
Certainly, the party of Merkel cannot, by any
understanding of the word, be termed "conservative".
Are people just clinging to the last shred of hope, or
is the populace so illiterate ~ after being told that "girls"
means "boys" ~ that it cannot discern definitions of
basic words?
Thanks, in advance, for any clarity you may provide.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:28 pm, Keith Farrell wrote:
As always, a great take on current happenings.
How long do you think it will take the Demoncrats to realise that their train left without them back in January, and meanwhile they are still on the wrong platform?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:29 pm, Elisa Angel wrote:
62 years after JFK's assassination the documents related to his killing have not been produced to the public. Why not? We've been promised the Epstein list and other supposedly secret documents. How long the content of those documents is divulged? Why wait?
On February 26, 2025 at 3:30 pm, Leo VT wrote:
Hreetings, Mark. Hope you are in good health. Saw the Liberal leadership debate last night. All I got from it was "orange man bad" and Polievre is mini me orange man. Any thoughts.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:34 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
Help. Liberal leadership contestant Freeland says the U.S. is a predator and that Canada should get closer to nuclear powers like England and France to protect us! She also says children are better raised in daycare than at home. Carney who 'saved England from Brexit' according to top Canadian commentator is the other main choice to replace Trudeau. Double Help!
On February 26, 2025 at 3:35 pm, Big D from Indiana wrote:
We don't have to ditch everybody. We can create a new alliance. Britain Canada Germany - dead- we should embrace Hungary Italy Argentina and so on. Trump is trying to expand the US because he knows other nations have already fallen.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:41 pm, Teresa Maupin wrote:
Is this the real Marco Rubio? Hope so. I often wondered what happened to him as he seemed so promising years ago.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:44 pm, Frank Gallenstein wrote:
Hi Mark,
I thought I'd take the opportunity to let Steyn listeners know the class warfare battle is raging on. Just yesterday, after Vivek Ramaswamy made his formal announcement to run for Governor of Ohio, our local Gannett newspaper, the Cincinnati Enquirer, ran their front-page story with a headline, "How did Ramaswamy make his money?"
I encourage others to write letters to the editors of their liberal newspaper of choice. Occasionally they do print them. Thus far the only negative consequence I've received from writing such letters, is a harassing letter in the mail from kooks that oppose my views. One coward who regularly sends me harassing letters, never posts his name on the return address, but instead just leaves the address of other conservative letter writers.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:48 pm, James Fulford wrote:
An alliance against the Americans is part of the plot of Richard Rohmer's 1974 EXXONERATION, in which the US tries to invade to grab Canada's oil. The Canadian PM, after capturing a bunch of American troops, calls up the US President and tells him he's been talking to the Russians who are willing to put Canada under their nuclear umbrella.(Rohmer is still around--101 last month.)
However, speaking of "nuclear umbrellas", while it's true that "you do not, under any circumstances, 'have to hand it' to Vladimir Putin", it is true that when you put a country in NATO, you are putting them under the protection of American nukes, and thus Putin was always going react to the idea of NATO in Ukraine the same way JFK reacted to missiles in Castro's Cuba. NATO in Ukraine would be the same as missile bases in Ukraine—a predictable casus belli.
On February 26, 2025 at 3:50 pm, Michael J. from Colorado wrote:
Hello, Mark! Been awhile since you've heard from me, but I had my own "medical adventure." Doing fine now. You've commented recently on some of the folks that the President is meeting with, or should I say wasting his time with. I can understand your frustration, but remember what Sun Tzu said in "The Art of War." "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I fall back on that personally and recall it often as I observe current events. All the Best, Always, Mark!
On February 26, 2025 at 3:52 pm, Big D from Indiana wrote:
We've had more than enough people to point things out, predict things and write about things- if Trump continues actually DOING something to fix these problems he'll put a lot of writers out of business. (How many people complained about Roe v Wade for example)
On February 26, 2025 at 3:55 pm, Elisa Angel wrote:
Last I checked, "el moro" is not a derogatory term in Spanish. If it is now, that's news to me.
On February 26, 2025 at 4:09 pm, Fran Lavery wrote:
Mark, is there a Muslim on infidel innocents stabbing and vehicular mass murder problem in Italy, Spain and Portugal like there is in France, UK, Germany and other areas in Europe or is it a problem growing at a similar rate, but just not allowed to go viral in news circulation? I rarely hear the violent reports from those other countries. I hope you stay heart healthy, Mark. My doctor just told me I was a ticking time bomb for a heart attack. Do you think he could improve his medical advice delivery and tell me I'm a candidate for a heart attack in a gentler way? Cheers!