The Mark Steyn Club is well into its eighth year, and I thank all those members itching to sign up for another season. Meanwhile, welcome to Part Twenty-Six of the latest audio entertainment in our series Tales for Our Time: Robert Hugh Benson's Lord of the World. After the latest decisive action by the charismatic young American senator who has wound up as President of Europe, Alysia, a First Weekend Founding Member from South Carolina, writes:
So by timing his attack at the new year, Felsenburgh has literally achieved Year Zero!
Well, maybe. Or maybe not. In tonight's episode, he prepares to speak to the multitudes:
There was no one, anywhere, but Julian Felsenburgh. Peace and light burned like a glory about Him...
He stood now, perfectly still, His hands laid together on the rail, and His face looking steadily before Him; it seemed as if He who had drawn all eyes and stilled all sounds were waiting until His domination were complete, and there was but one will, one desire, and that beneath His hand. Then He began to speak...
Members of The Mark Steyn Club can hear Part Twenty-Six of our tale simply by clicking here and logging-in. Earlier episodes can be found here.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, I'll be back with Part Twenty-Seven of Lord of the World, shortly after our Clubland Q&A. If you're minded to join us in The Mark Steyn Club, you're more than welcome. You can find more information here. And, if you have a chum you think might enjoy Tales for Our Time (so far, we've covered Conan Doyle, H G Wells, George Orwell, Kipling, Kafka, Louisa May Alcott, Scott Fitzgerald and many more), we've introduced a special Gift Membership that lets you sign up a pal for the Steyn Club. You'll find more details here.