On February 5, 2025 at 2:56 pm, Patrick Geagan wrote:
Good day to you Mark, I just read that Politico was a recipient of USAID funds.
Not surprising!
For years I've tried to figure out how MSNBC could pay Rachel Maddow 25 million dollars a year.
I seem to recall that when you were guest hosting for Tucker Carlson your audience ratings in one week beat out MSNBC and CNN altogether for a year.
Hell, Rush Limbaughs audience for one three hour show was bigger than all of the major news networks combined.
I really do hope Trump keeps gutting these agencies. It'll shut off all the free money these propagandists have been recipients of.
On February 5, 2025 at 2:57 pm, Elisa Angel wrote:
How much of the legacy media has been propped up by USAID funding?
On February 5, 2025 at 2:57 pm, James Olson wrote:
So, with Politico pocketing 8 mil from USAID, what has Steinonline'd take been?
On February 5, 2025 at 2:57 pm, Alysia L wrote:
Mark: Do you think Trump is holding USAID disclosures as a Sword of Damocles over the Senate, much as the Clintons used the FBI files? Thanks.
On February 5, 2025 at 2:59 pm, Teresa Maupin wrote:
Geez, who would want to destabilize rape gangs?!! Obviously, Bill Gates doesn't, joining in with UK power brokers. Should we rethink our dependence on Windows?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:00 pm, Pat Smith wrote:
Hi Mark,
Hope your health continues to improve and am looking forward to rousing rendition of 10 pm in Keeeeeeev in the near future. I think Elon Musk is hitting a little close to home to suit Bill Gates. Now that the Lolita Express and Pedo Island are closed down perhaps Billy Boy needs the Midlands grooming gangs to supply his habit. Also, I just put placed a down payment on a condo in Trump Mar a Gaza. I recommend you do the same. Georgeous views and better health care than you will ever get in Vermont. Jump in, the Mediterranean waters are just fine.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:04 pm, Glen Flint wrote:
Hi Mark,
Color me skeptical, but I'm hesitant to sign up for the next Mark Steyn Cruise on the Gazan Riviera. This area has been a war zone for most of human history and I don't see how building fresh targets for the excitable residents will solve anything. I'm a yuge Trump booster, but this plan sounds like Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq. These people don't want to be civilized, especially by Americans.
Please tell me I'm wrong about this.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:10 pm, Paul Cathey wrote:
Wayne Newton, as an Arabian horse fancier living in the desert, would be right at home in the sandy environs of the Mideast. As Trump's Gaza Renovation Ambassador he would not only have nearer access to premium horseflesh, but could also promote the relocation of Gazans by blasting "Danke Schoen" on loudspeakers 24/7 until the mass exodus towards Jordan or Egypt was accomplished. Agree?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:11 pm, Elisa Angel wrote:
How soon until we can buy a timeshare in Gaza?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:12 pm, Eric Dale wrote:
Mark, and fellow Club members, how is it in America's interests to forcibly expel the Arab population of Gaza? Those people have to go somewhere, and I don't want them in Iowa, and no country wants to take them in. So what's the solution? Why can't America's government quit that God forsaken region?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:13 pm, Frank Gallenstein wrote:
Hi Mark,
Israel (with our help) was victorious over Gaza. I'm inclined to allow them to be rewarded with the spoils of war and the responsibility (with our help) to rebuild it and secure it as they see fit.
US Presidents come and go, and some might not have Israel's best intentions in mind.
Your thoughts?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:15 pm, Chris Davies wrote:
I hope you are well and looking forward to a great Mark Steyn Cruise in a couple of months. I'm jealous as hell that I won't be joining you.
Your views on the scam of lockdowns mirror my own but is it somewhat odd in any event for any political leader to be meeting their voice coach on Christmas Eve, instead of spending time with their family (or in some cases families)?
Keep well Mark.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:18 pm, Lenny Cooperman wrote:
Hi Mark, hope you and the family are doing well. I would like your thoughts on the letter sent recently by the U..S. Attorney in Washington to Charles Schumer, the Senate minority leader, requiring him to "clarify " his threats made against two Supreme Court justices 4 years ago. Do you think Schumer should be charged, and what effects would that have?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:21 pm, Fran Lavery wrote:
Hello, Mark.
As far as birthright citizenship goes, some lawyers say the interpretation of the current amendment means the baby born on American soil is a citizen, others argue that if a mother breaks US Immigration law and has a baby on American soil the mother and the baby have broken the law. It seems preposterous to me that the baby can conceivably commit a crime by the sole reason the mother's crossing the border illegally was the crime, but I can certainly see that the baby should not be considered a US citizen at birth based on the mother geographical place of delivery. How do you think this issue might resolve?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:23 pm, OLGA from Arizona wrote:
In this morning's newsfeed, I noticed an unusually
elevated number of diversity stabbings/shootings/
massacres/disasters du jour.
My immediate impulse is to pattern recognition,
but does that serve anything? Is the diversity
armageddon on its own trajectory, metastasizing
like a cancer, & not much impacted by geo-political
On a lighter note, it's nice to see the US getting
out of the terror financing biz, & I'm encouraged
to see the Dept. of Ed. be up on the chopping
block :-)
On February 5, 2025 at 3:24 pm, Philip Paustian wrote:
Could fentanyl from China be viewed as cosmic payback for the "opium wars"? Is Fentanyl abuse in the UK or Europe? Stay strong, get healthier. You sound great. Thank you.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:25 pm, James Fulford wrote:
I'm hearing from Zack Beauchamp at Vox that Hungary is no longer a democracy for some reason:
"Their democracy died. They have lessons for America about Trump's power grab.
Hungarians who lived through Viktor Orbán's 2010 power grab warn Americans: Act now, before it's too late."
The thing that puzzles me is that this death of democracy seems to consist of Orban being reelected with 57 percent of the popular vote, in an election far less suspicious than the one America conducted in 2020. Any thoughts on Hungary?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:28 pm, Mark Shere wrote:
Mark, you are a prophet of biblical stature. It has been my privilege to hear so many of your written and spoken words for decades.
You may recall a man named Jonah, who was also in this line of work back in the day. He received divine instruction to tell of the coming destruction of the great city of Ninevah. Like you, he endured dreadful hardship along the way. He accurately conveyed the message of heaven, but then heaven chose to spare the Ninevinians after all. Jonah was disconcerted at this turn of events at first, then reconciled himself with the unpredictable mercy of Providence.
Much like Jonah, but with better humor, you faithfully warned us of the coming time "After America." Perhaps I speak too soon, but in the past sixteen days I'm convinced America may be spared this divine wrath. The people and ideas of America may yet endure and grow for a long, long time.
These recent days have been so blessed, that I now question even whether we will face "America Alone." We will still have true and meaningful allies, with likely candidates that include Argentina, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, India, and more. You taught me that India, in particular, has a brighter future than China. With America as strong horse, others such as Saudi Arabia and perhaps a renewed Brazil, Canada, and Germany may join us.
O prophet, can you reconcile yourself to the prospect that we may be spared, indeed, that we may see a new golden era? I keenly wish you every possible peace of mind and body despite your travails.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:30 pm, Drew Weber wrote:
Hello Mark,
As the Trump administration is cutting programs and costs, outrage is focused mostly on government employees losing their jobs whether or not these jobs deliver tangible value.
The economy in the USA is touted as a juggernaut. Maybe in the past. If such a strong business model, then why do we have to print a trillion-plus dollars per year? Government spending supports millions of employees throughout all levels of government and academia often with oversized compensation packages. In addition, an ever increasing fraction of people across all ages receive checks from government.
Now may be our last chance to truly corral government spending, or the delusion will continue until the reality finally comes crashing down.
Your thoughts?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:31 pm, Peter wrote:
Greetings Mark,
Let's assume for a moment that Pres. Trump and company are successful in draining the swamp and righting America's ship. Are there any European countries (Italy?) that can ride the Trump populist coattails and avoid the fate of Sweden? (I was in Stockholm and Visby the summer of 2006, and I'm sick about what has happened).
On February 5, 2025 at 3:33 pm, Mrs S E Priest wrote:
Hello Mark, Thank you for keeping on about the subjects that are being ignored!
I have just read the letter from Archbishop Vigano and he has the whole shooting match sewn up in plain language. I have sent it to my local Catholic Church, my local MP and to the Reform Party. I wonder whether anyone will bother to read it and come back to me. He is on the same page as most people with common sense, so thought you might be interested.
The current Tales for Our Time contains some characters we still meet on the road when we protest with our Yellow Boards about Net Zero, covid and other current lies...they stoutly believe what the MSM tell them and just tell us to get a job! or something more rude. Luckily, the percentage of these people has gone down considerably since we started presenting an alternative narrative to the public 4 years ago, and the cars beeping us and giving us thumbs up outnumber them by a huge margin.
Will anyone ever thank you for bringing up the grooming gangs on the dreaded GB News as well as the vaccine injured? If not, then Stephen and I from Wokingham UK thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for all you do and keep well.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:35 pm, George Pereira wrote:
It's been two weeks, and I have yet to see any deep state creature in shackles.
How much longer do we have to wait?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:38 pm, Chris Hall wrote:
Hi Mark,
Now that Trump and the MAGA crowd are not only in office but also in power, might it not be a good time to revisit an idea that was floated but dropped in the previous Trump term concerning the funding of scientific research? There was a suggestion to ensure that both sides of contentious issues get funds, a so-called Red Team/ Blue Team approach. For too long, scientific "consensus" has been artificially created by financial incentives for goodthink and the denial of funding for politically incorrect views. This could greatly improve the performance of NIH, NASA, NOAA, DOE and NSF.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:43 pm, Nicholas wrote:
Hi Mark, hope you're doing well! You're sounding quite chipper!
New Steyn member for a year, but here's my first question. I was watching Tucker's interview with Piers Morgan, but based on how the interview went, it seemed like Piers Morgan was frustratingly not allowing himself to be interviewed, but instead did the interviewing of Tucker. Anyway, my question is, did you ever have the pleasure (or maybe displeasure) of having to work with him?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:44 pm, Tim Boggs aka Midwestern Tim wrote:
Last time I visited the UK was in 2006. After reading all that you've written about it I don't seem inclined to take my family there for a holiday even though I'd really like to. Am I being irrational or is there some wisdom to staying away for the time being? Just for full context, I live in the inner city in a rough neighborhood. It's not that I'm afraid of people, it's that I'm afraid of the government over there that seems increasingly irrational, prone to lock up people for speech violations, and hellbent on destroying any vestiges of Western civilization. Oh, and not being able to carry a firearm to protect myself factors in as well.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:45 pm, The Notorious Mr. J wrote:
Mr. Steyn,
From your observations, has there been any reasonable progress, re: sane pushback, against the nutty fantasies of Net Zero? All the arguments against it (There aren't enough alternative energy sources to pick up all the slack in the foreseeable future, there aren't enough strategic minable minerals available to build all the infrastructure needed for such a pure Green system, etc.) still aren't being discussed enough in my opinion either by the Left or the Right. Dreamy aspirations eventually go kersplat against the brick wall of hard facts.
P.S.- The Manned Space program will be the next to splat, I'm sure. Check out the book The End of the Astronauts by Martin Rees for some hard facts. Musk's Mars colonization acid trip just won't sprout wings.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:46 pm, Toby Pilling wrote:
Should Greater Manchester Police just be issued with green headbands featuring islamic script and be done with it?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:46 pm, Mike Cliffson wrote:
Dear Mark
Fed up with "net" immigration UK .
It's true for road space but other wise .... Nigel too by using net immigration 'is letting them set the language and the
it disguises replacement.
And I'd include British cultured as British even if their DnA contains no trace of one of the north- east Atlantic archipelago's nations and established subtribeS ...I mean eg a lot of British Jews have gone, in itself a loss, this net business is offsetting an equal number who ....say, can only" fit in "when every last and every least British thing is gone .You think?
You can put this so much more tellingly than me.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:47 pm, Alison Castellina wrote:
I chatted to two Americans tourists in central London today, beside the equestrian statue of Charles 1st. I told them about the reign of terror of his son James II who prohibited elections and imprisoned people protesting against him, generally behaving like a totalitarian. The wife said "That sounds exactly like America today" (ie. under Trump).Contacts here in the UK are already complaining bitterly about their depressed state of mind and their sleepless nights of 'terror' over Trump suppressing their rights and liberties, while never mentioning that the fake Labour Govt (in cooperation with the fake Conservatives) has just cancelled our democratic local elections in the UK to prevent Reform/Farage, now top of the polls, winning councils. Do you think the Left is completely devoid of cognitive dissonance and, if so, what can be done about it?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:49 pm, Israel Pickholtz wrote:
To create a solution, something has to dissolve. Trump has decided that the "something" is Gaza.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:49 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
Where is Trump going to settle the Gazans? And how can that territory become a successful resort if countless Muslims would be happy to set off suicidal bombs?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:50 pm, Chirurgus et Advocatus wrote:
The most important link in the chain pulling Gaza out of the slime and mud is removal of those that thrive in slime and mud. Hence Trump's brilliance in planning a relocation of "the peoples."
On February 5, 2025 at 3:51 pm, Joe S. wrote:
I saw a couple memes calling the Gaza situation the "51st state solution." I don't know how this will end up, but we have had military bases in more dangerous places before that don't have beautiful beaches, and this place is paid in full in many ways. Whatever we use our newly acquired property for, I guess we can be our own best friend in the Middle East without paying someone else more rent money.
What do you think would be the best use for the New Gaza?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:52 pm, Raymond Daubney wrote:
Mark, I can't imagine that the administrations plan is for the permanent relocation of Palestinians from Gaza. I expect the presidents plan is temporary relocation and a reconstruction of the area by the both the US and willing and cooperative Arab nations and a return of civilians who have renounced violence, and are willing and ready to live in peace. This seems to be the only worthwhile and long lasting solution to this never ending problem. Annexation and redevelopment by Israel is a nonstarter for the majority of the world.
The US/Arab presence administratively, and economically may not initially be welcomed by the Palestinians, or by Israel, but looking at the devastation of Gaza, the shocking loss of life, the horrible kidnappings and ongoing corruption and murders there is no other option. This plan could include the West Bank becoming an internationally supported centre for the Palestinian administration. Those who have suffered on both sides, deserve peace and prosperity. This needs to happen on Trumps watch.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:53 pm, James Fulford wrote:
The subscriptions to POLITICO aren't really like the Pentagon's expensive toilets, hammers, and coffeepots, they're more like Democratic Speaker Jim Wright's book sales in the 1980s. One "friend" of Jim Wright, a property developer, bought $6k worth of Wright's biography ($16k in today's money) explicitly to give him more money than campaign finance law allowed. (Believe it or not, Wright resigned.)
On February 5, 2025 at 3:54 pm, Katite Murtha wrote:
Dear Mark, hope you are feeling well and joyous
For Trump's non politician Presidency . Your thoughts for
Trump running for his deserved "second term of Presidential office"?
2020 election now proven stolen and fraudulent . Vance can wait 4 years
For his 8 year term! Thank you for all you do to keep us informed and happy!
On February 5, 2025 at 3:56 pm, Christopher Gelber wrote:
Mark, Trump v2.0 is gearing up to be the most transformative presidency since FDR and Trump the most original thinker since I don't know when (Polk?). He doesn't care what others think, he is utterly self-confident and he expects the world will follow in his wake. So do I.
I am more positive about the future than I have been since I was too young to realise it doesn't just happen. Yes, the rest of the West remains Trumpless, but they are people who want to be popular with their peers and have been fed nothing but bulls**t about him for years, so they're probably currently in shock. B
ut however spines may stiffen over the coming years, mass deportations seems to me an absolute key to any country's recovery. So my question is: without mass deportations, is it simply too late for the UK and Western Europe?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:58 pm, Kelly Harbeson wrote:
Woke up this morning to news that heads are rolling at the DOJ (metaphorically, alas). Something many of never expected to see. The MO of the deep state seems to be infinite protection of its assets to prevent their being compelled to testify against it.
On February 5, 2025 at 3:58 pm, Pete Procopio wrote:
I just read James Golden's second radio show (The Rush Hour) has been syndicated by Red Apple. Will you be joining him for your weekly drop-in in the future or doth your ventricles protest too much?
On February 5, 2025 at 3:59 pm, Jeffrey Gilbert wrote:
Egypt did without the Sinai for decades. Sounds like a great place for resettlement. Already in the neighborhood . Maybe throw in a few Israeli desalination plants. Overland transport then build another big beautiful wall for Israel's security.
On February 5, 2025 at 4:04 pm, Keith Marsden wrote:
How are we going to stop the rape gangs with Epstein island favourite Bill Gates running the show?
On February 5, 2025 at 4:04 pm, Jeff Estes wrote:
Hi Mark,
I've noticed Bill Gates everywhere in the news latey, on a worldwide charm offensive to get ahead of the Epstein report, which should come out within hours of Kash Patel's confirmation I assume.
On February 5, 2025 at 4:05 pm, Doug Cole wrote:
Hi Mark. Regarding Bill Gates, he sounds less concerned with grooming gangs and more with making sure his Epstein exploits are not fully disclosed.
He also seems to be concerned that oligarch wealth should not be allowed to interfere in elections - unless of course the oligarch wealth interference is focused on the country their passport, then all is fine.
Maybe Bill would feel differently if Elon were encouraging more bug eating by the great unwashed instead of calling out failed policies - irrespective of citizenship.
Doug Cole
On February 5, 2025 at 4:06 pm, Mark Lipniacki wrote:
Greetings Mark, do you agree that this is beginning to look a lot like like a Second American Revolution?
On February 5, 2025 at 4:08 pm, Robert Bridges wrote:
Probable Not-A-Sven or Not-A-Bjorn shot up a Swedish adult school killing about 10.
CNN:"Police said that the perpetrator was not known to them before the shooting and that he was not connected to any gangs. They also said they did not believe the motive was terror related. Police did not say what type of weapon was used by the gunman." The police know a lot about nothing in this case so far.
On February 5, 2025 at 4:11 pm, OLGA from Arizona wrote:
P.S. A passing thought on the tariffs:
the gambit played out just as I'd hoped
with our continental neighbors. But for
my money, the china part should be
much, much higher. I should like to
see no chinese crap on store shelves
(or Amazon shelves) at all.
On February 5, 2025 at 4:17 pm, OLGA from Arizona wrote:
P.P.S. I should also like to see more
on the language reclamation front.
Why is the qwerty nomenclature
still on the official government
websites? I understand they've
removed the "T+", which is like
removing part of the cancer.
The entire thing must be eradicated,
or the patient hasn't a chance.