On January 29, 2025 at 2:56 pm, Chris Davies wrote:
I hope you are well.
Over 10,000 millionaires have left the UK since the General Election.
The top 1% of taxpayers contribute 30% of total taxation.
The net result is that those who remain will pay more tax.
The UK is already paying the highest marginal rates of taxation for over 70 years.
Is it conceivable that Rachel from Accounts is pursuing deliberate sabotage of the UK economy or is she really that stupid not to know better?
Keep well Mark.
On January 29, 2025 at 2:56 pm, Elisa Angel wrote:
Why do the US "journalists" think it is their job to debate the people they are questioning? Why can't they ask direct, concise questions taught in Journalism 101 -- who, what, when, where, why?
On January 29, 2025 at 2:57 pm, John Wilson wrote:
Jake Tapper seemed really annoyed Stephen Miller wanted to answer his question, rather than just rolling over and agreeing with Jake's false premise.
On January 29, 2025 at 2:58 pm, Robert Fox wrote:
Regarding the 86'ing of the USA's $50 million grant for condoms for Gaza: Palestinians need condoms like a fish needs Tampon Tim's bicycle. Do you suppose U.S. taxpayers may have unwittingly financed October 7th and with whatever wad leftover fattened up one or two Swiss bank accounts? I can guarantee the PLO didn't spend 25 cents on condoms with the money sent to them by the moth eaten sock puppet.
On January 29, 2025 at 2:59 pm, Billie Kilpin wrote:
Dear Mark--
Senator Murkowski of Alaska said recently that she strongly disagrees with the renaming of Denali to Mount Steyn.
How big of an issue could this be going forward? Will Trump lose her vote as George W. Bush lost the Jim Jeffords vote over a Vermont milk subsidy?
Keep up the good work.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:00 pm, Dan Phillips Telford TN wrote:
RE RFK Jr. Hearings.
The Democrat Senators only reveal they are absolutely hate-filled and have only to offer the lies that they have engaged in the last four years. A majority of the American people are onto their treachery. The patriots cannot stand the righteousness anbd falsehoods of these hypocrites. There was zero integrity demonstrated by the Democrats. None are interested in an honest answer...only grandstanding and soundbites to obscure their own deceit and corruption. These are truly evil people. And they have the audacity to call this a deliberative body. It is a chamber of horrors.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:05 pm, John Frey wrote:
I especially liked Hegseth's statement that the last time the U.S. won a war there were 4 four-star generals, and now there are 10 times as many. Serious case of bloated bureaucracy! Maybe the new secretary won't need DoGE to slash the fat in the military?
On January 29, 2025 at 3:09 pm, OLGA from Arizona wrote:
Monsieur Steyn,
With all the pardonings & cancellations of various litigations
going on, do you suppose your own case might be impacted?
The chances of mann ponying up any actual moneys is slim,
but it would sure be good to see him neutered.
Happy Tet to the Vietnamese contingent of the Club!
On January 29, 2025 at 3:13 pm, George Pazin wrote:
Hi Mark!
As an improperly educated American, can you explain what the realistic prospects for removing Starmer are? What would the procedure be? Likewise for Justine Trudeau. Feels like they can just do the old Dem move of delay, ignore, delay, ignore, and then eventually declare, that's old news, and weather any and every scandal.
Also, I think Trump should do something about the horrible, stinking, rotten, corrupt District of Columbia, where every Dem can hide and every R is wearing a scarlet letter or gold star. Forget it being a state, I want it removed as any sort of political/judicial entity!
Thanks for all you do, hope to make a cruise someday.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:16 pm, Greg Warren wrote:
Hi Mark. I hope that your health continues to improve. (I ope that mine does, as well).
Your comments about the fascination that "diverse" armed forces seem to have for the military reminded me of something that I read recently. It seems that the Royal Navy, such as it now is, is thinking of selling a couple of its Albion class assault ships on the grounds that it doesn't have enough personnel to crew them. This is odd, as I thought that there were a host of short, overweight black transgendered mohammedans knocking each other over to join up; at least according to MOD.
Maybe the government needs the money to pay the hotel bills of illegal immigrants; or maybe they've just learned their lesson after the sinking of HMNZS Manauanui?
On January 29, 2025 at 3:20 pm, Alysia L wrote:
Mark, my absolute favorite moment from last week was hearing Trump cooing over his own Executive Orders---"oooh, that's a great one!" Someone even put together a one-hour tape of the sound of the signing Sharpie. He's acknowledged as a master showman and moments like these demonstrate his effortless improvisational skills. That said, I am thrilled that he and his team put in the thorough preparation to exercise power this time around. He is making immediate and sweeping changes via all the "acting" cabinet secretaries. I don't think the Senate has yet realized that slow-walking his nominees will make no difference to his momentum. Do you think any of these changes will make it all the way into law?
On January 29, 2025 at 3:25 pm, JC of Weston-super-Mare wrote:
Hi Mark,
The stars have aligned & DJT has the presidency, the house & the senate, as well as the popular vote to add moral authority, but can he really do anything more than make a dent in the progressive time-space continuum?
Issuing executive orders at warp speed is all fine & dandy, but legislation & a fundamental change in culture is required to make the measures more permanent.
What say ye?
By the way, the current Mrs C of Weston-super-Mare caught part of your "blue" performance a couple of weeks back & was shocked not just by the expletives but by how angry you get. She doesn't understand the reason for this when you are simply addressing like minded fellow Clubbers. Personally I enjoy it, it's like you're venting on our behalf. I've tried to explain to her that the topics you cover should make us all incredibly angry. Do you have anything to add to that?
In the meantime thank you once again for all you do & especially for your pithy prose.
All the very best,
John Creasey
On January 29, 2025 at 3:27 pm, Jason T wrote:
Trump 2.0 has wisely directed the government to return to a focus on what is good for the people of the USA, to hop off the globalist utopia bandwagon. Besides US citizens, another group of people that we and other countries in the West might want to concern ourselves with are all the Christians being persecuted and slaughtered, a situation that has sometimes been abetted by the misguided policies of the red white and blue. At least, I think it's fair to say that our disastrous withdrawals from places like Iran and Afghanistan haven't helped, coupled with an inconsistently applied policies for fighting religious persecution.
Do you have any thoughts on what our new commander-in-chief might do or should do to encourage less killing of Christians worldwide? I don't expect we'll ramp up our admission of refugees who are persecuted Christians, or else everyone and his mother's brother will show up at the border with a rosary or a Joel Osteen book. But do you think the U.S. will exert leverage in some way to make religious freedom more likely abroad?
(Note: this applies to Jews, as well, many of whom are benefiting from the tougher stance being taken against Hamas &co.)
On January 29, 2025 at 3:29 pm, Da P wrote:
A recent quote from an Irish journalist Kevin Myers "Moses did not bring those Ten Commandments down from Mount Sinai to curtail women but to control men" I'd like to suggest, the tenets of Islam and the Koran rejected this idea and supplanted with an ideology, not to curtail men but to control women.
Hope your health is returning to good with chance of getting to great in the not too distant future.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:39 pm, The Notorious Mr. J wrote:
Dear Mr. Steyn,
As always, best hopes for improving health.
What's your take on the sound and fury of Trump's first few days? He's certainly far more aggressive now than he was at the same point in Term One. He probably better be for his own sake, since that quirk of American politics called Mid Terms isn't far off. You could say that he only has a two year window of opportunity to act for real for true before full lame duckery comes to pass, if the Public sees fit to punish the GOP Congress in 2026.
One can imagine that he feels he has nothing to lose now, since re-election is a constitutional impossibility, and now he only has his legacy to worry about. I only wish that he would be aggressive in the manner of Javier Milei, but sadly Trump is no Libertarian. For instance he is not for free international trade, and he has yet to show that he can balance a budget, let alone take a chainsaw to it. The Donald has a lot to prove and not much time to do it.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:39 pm, John Weatherford wrote:
Greetings and good health to you Mark!
Israel is giving the boot to UNRWA, which is heavily infiltrated by Hamas, and the new US ambassador to the UN supports the move. This is a positive step for Israel and, along with the US pulling out of the Paris climate agreement and hopefully other actions to come, a means by which the UN might be reevaluated. I am interested to hear your thoughts on the UN and it's influence in the world today.
Thank you.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:40 pm, Katite Murtha wrote:
Mark, your thoughts on Trump running for his third term?Thx
On January 29, 2025 at 3:42 pm, Bill Bradshaw wrote:
Dear Mark,
Leonard Peltier is a good example of why we need the death penalty. The 50 year sentence for the Merseyside child murderer is another good reason.
Thanks, Bill Bradshaw
On January 29, 2025 at 3:45 pm, Teresa Maupin wrote:
".... Mark Steyn of that ilk - back in the saddle for another hour of questions ..." YAY! There's so much to hear you opine about!
On January 29, 2025 at 3:48 pm, Tim Boggs aka Midwestern Tim wrote:
Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire says that the top 8 musicals of all time are:
1. Sweeny Todd
2. West Side Story
3. 1776
4. South Pacific
5. Carousel
6. Gypsy
7. Fiddler on the Roof
8. My Fair Lady
Would you mind setting him straight here, Mark?
On January 29, 2025 at 3:49 pm, Lien wrote:
Mark have you ever met Tom Homan or Stephen Miller? What's you take of one or the other or both?
On January 29, 2025 at 3:50 pm, Suzanne Reny wrote:
Evidently, Nigel Farage's primary concerns and priorities have always has been, Nigel Farage.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:52 pm, Nicola Timmerman wrote:
A big fan of Trump but if he punishes all Canada because he doesn't like Trudeau he is helping the Liberals. They will bring in a sort of Universal Income with the excuse that Trump has hurt our economy. Help!
On January 29, 2025 at 3:53 pm, George Pereira wrote:
Macron is trying to act butch again and failing. He is conferring with Denmark about sending troops to Greenland. Can't keep the peace in France but whatever. Olaf Scholz, of Germany and a former socialist, is also giving the matter some thought.
Obviously the 20,000 US troops in Germany are no longer needed. I'd bring them all back to the US with a stopover first at Thule. Exploding heads.
What might be fun is sending the assault carrier, the Iwo Jima, currently at its home port in Virginia, along with its support ships for a friendly visit to Saint Pierre and Miquelon. More exploding heads.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:54 pm, Kryptonite For Breakfast wrote:
In all the talk of COVID strategies let's not forget Sweden, whose moderate and balanced approach worked just fine, and which made so many other governments look like fools.
In other news, the maelstrom around Trump is generating more weirdness, judging by the headlines today-
1.) The Danish government and the EU have proclaimed their intent to shore up defenses in Greenland, in response to Trump's bullying. Way to go, Donald, alienating allies in a time of World tensions on the rise.
2.) Putin has just made a weird comment, stating that if Trump had not had the 2020 election "stolen" from him and had been in office the Ukraine war might have been averted. Is this some form of abject suck up, or is Pooty playing Trump's vanity for advantage? It is to wonder.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:54 pm, Robert Bridges wrote:
"U.S. Ally Offered Greenland Troops to Ward Off Trump"....France, of course. Maybe France should ward off...France.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:56 pm, Fran Lavery wrote:
What if there was a grass roots movement called Let Us Foil Just Stop Oil and everyone was on speed dial who joined. When Just Stop Oil showed up to do their nasty deeds the Let Us Foil group would descend. I know there would likely have to be an Elon type to fund it, but sometimes it's not necessary if people get really mad.
On January 29, 2025 at 3:56 pm, Andy wrote:
I'm sceptical DeepSeek is a DeepFake. Nevermind it's largely built on stolen intellectual property (technology and data/content). At it's bottom Monday, Nvidia was still up January over January...
On January 29, 2025 at 3:57 pm, Tim Wolff wrote:
Hi Mark first time "caller"/long time listener as they say. Thanks for all you do, especially been enjoying all the archived Tales w our 7 & 10 year old :) Please take care of yourself, you are an invaluable resource in their education.
What do you think actually happened? Like you, I did not believe- and still find it impossible to really believe as we celebrate the election & these glorious early days of Trump II - that they were going to allow us to vote our way out of this. I am sure they wanted DJT to die in prison if not in Butler. Did they just lose heart after a botched assassination attempt? I read one humorous & possible conjecture that Dr Jill screwed up the transition to a winning candidate. Will the truth ever be known, ought we to know who was actually the President the last 4 years?