Greetings, and welcome to this week's batch of Laura's Links.
I had a few peaceful moments last week and was moderately excited about the Southwest Airlines pilots' revolution. But I knew in my gut that the brief reprieve would be really, really brief – even micro-sized. And now the pendulum has swung right back into my home court: pissed. I know the Great Prophet Mark Steyn thinks that "ornery" is an American thing, but I'm feeling The Orneryzzzz. I'm probably the most ornery SteynOnline In-House Jewish Mother that ever was. Oh wait, I am the only SteynOnline In-House Jewish Mother! Never mind.
I'm (still) extremely riled up about giving children a vaccine that clearly poses more risk to them than the virus against which it's supposed to protect. And in fact, over the week, I was informed by one of my children that a young, teenage male in their circle of friends here in Ontario got myocarditis from the vaccine. He survived, thank G-d, but he is on bed rest, is forbidden to play any sports, and needs to follow up with a pediatric cardiologist. This is not good. None of the data on this are good. How many children will have to die or have their hearts maimed before policy makers around the world change course on this? Even the FDA is noticing.
I'm upset about this brain-damaged puppet sitting in the White House.
I'm upset that while America doubles down on woke (perhaps its most dangerous export ever), and American educators and school board members are obsessed not with reading, writing and arithmetic, but transgendered bathrooms and the "right" of humans with penises to pee in girls bathrooms, nobody cares when girls are raped by boys in skirts in said school bathrooms. And while America emasculates what's left of its army, and as its top brass are worried about their manicures, North Korea puts some testosterone on display and China talks about a "final solution" for Taiwan. Nothing to see here. Carry on!
Some balls can still be found in America though. Here's Joe Rogan confronting Dr. Sanjay Gupta about why CNN lied about him taking "a horse dewormer". This whole business about silencing discussion and actually preventing physicians from prescribing therapeutics that clearly work on Covid is very sinister indeed. And here's Ned Ryan kind of channelling Mark Steyn's rant about think tanks last week. Can we call them Think Wanks? Would that be OK with everyone? (Note: I don't care if it's not.)
Lastly: This was my favourite thing on the internet this past week. I love it so much. It's so me and so where I am at I just cannot EVEN. This is my second favourite (not safe for work). That's all I've got for now. Enjoy the links (or not) and I'll catch up with you in the comments!
North America:
Fighting the perverts in education.
A professor's lament: "I'm watching our National suicide which I am powerless to stop or even slow for reasons that I simply cannot fathom. Perhaps I've just outlived my time; I cannot recognize this world hell bent on madness and self harm to aid a communist superpower rival rising in the east."
Joe Biden's vaccine mandate doesn't exist, it's just a press release: "These people believe they are royalty, and too many Americans are acting like they're these losers' serfs instead of citizens endowed by God with inalienable rights, including the right to consent — through elected representatives, not never-elected dictatorial bureaucrats — to rules that restrict our rights, everyday lives, and human dignity."
Must read from Freddie deBoer (that I discovered via Jesse Singal and Glenn Greenwald, who both recommended it on Twitter): 'That One Side Would Like to Utterly Destroy the Other Side Seems Significant, To Me". Read the whole thing!!!
More about myocarditis and the vaccines.
And what could possibly be wrong with this? Sorry, can't answer. Busy controlling the weather and the banks – gotta dash off to my ZOG meeting.
Explaining support for Ron DeSantis sloooooowly.
This is perfect. While the Canada-US border is going to creep to an opening next month, there are other, more efficient ways of entering.
Yah, no kidding. Study shows! Wow. What would we do without studies?
Masks are pretty much useless symbols of submission to China and psychological security blankies. I agree with this: "...the surgical mask is a symbol that protects from the perception of risk by offering nonprotection to the public while causing behaviours that project risk into the future".
Middle East:
Olive branch from Lebanon to Jews? Interesting. Lebanon is in very bad shape. It's a disaster area. Peace with Israel would be a great thing for the Lebanese people and bad for Hizballah and the genocidal mullahs of Iran. I suspect there are plenty of Lebanese who would like to join the Abraham Accords. Maybe they are putting feelers out?
Israel and Jews:
The Israeli Ministry of Health put up a Facebook post talking about the glories of the vaccination program. About 25,000 people commented on the post, reporting on their adverse reactions and concerns. Comments were promptly deleted by the Ministry of Health, but not before the Freedom Israel organization translated the comments into (broken) English and made a copy.
Jewish wisdom: "From Abraham's example we learn that when we are presented with the opportunity to save another person, either physically or spiritually, we must not hesitate. We should immediately do all in our power to come to the person's aid, even if that means acting in direct opposition to our natural dispositions."
Sweden sort of notices antisemitism. More here. The Great Prophet Steyn has written a lot about Jew-hatred in Sweden over the years (see here, here, here, here and here)
The Formerly Great Britain:
For shame, for shame, for shame.
I hate it when I have to agree with Piers Morgan.
Memo to Boris Johnson: You. Are. Not. Churchill. You're welcome, fool.
Hey prince guy who will be the King of England someday: just stop it. Grab some dignity while you can.
"The truth is still in lockdown."
Ghouls. The British government likes killing children.
Humourless, Kook, Predatory, Child-Hating Left, Wokestapo and Trans:
I laughed. So sue me. Sue they. Zher? Xer. LOL.
These perverted psycho progressives lie and lie and lie. They don't care if our daughters are raped. All they care about is their ideology and imposing all the risk of their experimentation upon us and our children. Evil, sick bastards.
Bari Weiss on CNN: "Brian, the world has gone mad."
Terrifically sad and pathetic.
Down Under:
Do not watch sunsets!! Beautiful sunsets BAD! Humans bad!!! Because SCIENCE.
Evil, sick, horrible bastards. The worst, most disgusting people make difficult lives more difficult. But it takes a special kind of evil psychopath like Australian policy-makers to make the lives of wheelchair-bound children with cerebral palsy who have just undergone brain surgery more difficult. I sincerely pray with all my heart that there is reserved spot in hell for the Australians who chose to do this to this child and his family.
Human Grace:
Meet an extraordinary Ironman.
Elvis did it better than me, says Paul Simon. Music is magical.
It's open thread time! Log into SteynOnline and let Laura know what you think of these stories or other happenings from week that was. Commenting privileges are among the many perks of membership in The Mark Steyn Club. While going off topic is permitted on Laura's Links, do stick to the other rules as you engage: no URLs, no profanity, and no ad hominem attacks.