Thursday's Fox News Primetime ended with breaking news of the cover-up of Andrew Cuomo's depraved ChiCom-19 bloodbath in New York. At a meeting with other senior Democrats earlier in the day, the Governor's closest aide Melissa DeRosa had disclosed that the blood-soaked butchers of the Empire State had deliberately concealed Covid data on care-facility deaths from the federal government. As the story leaked out, Democrat hacks attempted to blame it on Trump tweeting mean tweets about Democrat governors. Seriously.
I'd scheduled my fellow Ontarian and Fox's senior meteorologist Janice Dean to come on the show for other reasons. But, early in the pandemic, within days, Janice lost both her in-laws to Cuomo's tender mercies, and her personal tragedy embodies the horror of the state's response: even as healthy persons and safe activities were locked down and stayed locked, the state's policies not only failed to protect those most at risk but, utterly callously, made things worse for them. Yesterday would have been Janice's in-laws sixtieth wedding anniversary. Instead, she found herself talking about whether the monster responsible for the charnel houses of New York's long-term care facilities would ever face justice. As today's Daily Mail reports:
Dean earlier told Mark Steyn: 'This is the biggest bombshell we have had so far. 'We had a trickling in of the numbers. We knew the numbers were much bigger than the governor was admitting.
'Over 15,000 residents died from getting COVID in their nursing homes ... and now the biggest bombshell coming from the New York Post that his secretary, Melissa DeRosa admitted that they covered it all up.
'We need to see these people on the stand, with a jury, with us, the people that lost our loved ones, in the audience to see them tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
'Justice needs to be served.
'We don't have our loved ones here today, but by God, I am here to be a voice for all of them.'
Click below to watch:
Thursday's show began with my consideration of another demise - Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. Over a month after his death, the District of Columbia still has not issued an official cause of death. Why? Glenn Greenwald joined me to discuss: you can see that segment in full here.
Next up was Douglas Murray on the Poverty Grope Center redrawing its "hate map". We'll link to that segment if it's posted. Afterwards came Peter Navarro, one of Trump's very best appointments. Peter was excited about his appearance:
Looking forward to a hit with @MarkSteynOnline... Have always enjoyed the James Bond 'shake'em and stir'em' dry humor and deep insights of the Steyn-Man.
It was serious stuff from the Navarro-Man - about how Biden's weakness is already paying off for China: you can see that segment in full here.
As many of my detractors like to point out, I am the entirely "uncredentialed Mark Steyn" - no letters after my name whatsoever. Yet, notwithstanding that I have only three years of schooling and everybody else stays in class till Grade 26, I am amazed at how little our so-called elites know. One such example caught the eye of me and Joe Concha:
We'll link to any other video as it's posted. You can see more from the show here. Mark Steyn Club members can read a transcript of Mark's monologue here
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Please join me for Friday's Fox News Primetime tonight at 7pm Eastern. If you're in the mood for a different kind of video entertainment, please check in with SteynOnline this Sunday.