Happy Christmas Eve to you. We shall have more seasonal fare for you later, but on the eve of Christmas Eve I joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the University of Michigan's new list of banned words. As The Daily Mail reported:
The list was blasted by Tucker Carlson on his Fox News show Wednesday, with his guest, conservative author Mark Steyn, branding the university as 'parochial' and 'moronic'.
Click below to watch:
After my appearance, one of those super-butch pseudonymous Twitter warriors, Planet Belfast, tweeted:
The state of these arseholes
How can anyone take racist fucker Mark Steyn seriously
- a lying racist bag of shite
Evidently dissatisfied with that pithy summation, Planet Belfast then tweeted a second tweet:
Always good to hear racist sack of shit Mark Steyn being racist on the Tucker Carlson lie fest
Which sort of makes my point. If your vocabulary in public discourse extends no further than racist fucker bag of shite racist sack of shit, you've already devolved beyond the ability to contribute to human debate, albeit trending more Morlock than Eloi.
You can see the full hour of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" here.
If you prefer me in non-visual formats, I'll be back later today with the conclusion of our seasonal Tale for Our Time, "The Little Christmas Tree".
Tales for Our Time is made with the support of members of The Mark Steyn Club. You can find more details about our Club here - and we also have a gift membership that makes a terrific Christmas present, and can be digitally delivered.