On Tuesday night Mark joined Sean Hannity live on Fox News to discuss President Obama's ridiculous characterization of Isis as the "JayVees" of jihad, and the White House's attempts to walk it back. Steyn was not impressed by the Commander-in-Chief's witless and shallow analogy:
If there is a JV player on the court at the moment, if you ask Putin, if you ask the mullahs, if you ask the Chinese Politburo, if you ask ISIS, if you ask every rinky-dink jihadist on the outskirts of Benghazi who the JV player is on court, they're going to have no problem telling you it's President Obama. A man who's shredded American foreign policy and left Al Qaeda, ISIS, and its affiliates running around, gamboling across a vast swathe of territory from West Africa to Afghanistan - that's the JV player on the court today.
To watch more from Mark's appearance on Hannity, click here.